Krystal Archive is 19 Years Old!

On a day like many others of my college winter break, I pulled the trigger and published the Krystal Archive on January 8th, 2006, after a couple weeks of furious work to build it. At 19 years online today, the site is the same age as Krystal was when she first stepped onto General Scales' Galleon in the intro to Star Fox Adventures for the Nintendo GameCube in 2002. What a ride!
I know it has been quiet around here of late. Real life took precedence over the site work. I even promised to do better last year, but I didn't manage it. This time, it's a little different. Work is not quite as stressful, as I have adapted to my new role. Also, I've committed to posting at least once a day as one of my New Year's Resolutions. So far (other than over the last weekend), I've kept it up and I have no intention of stopping anytime soon. I have more than enough content to post about, with many things stuck in backlogs that I never got around to posting. Get ready for some serious necro-posting! But hey, that's what it takes to be an "archive", right?
I can't fully express how thankful I am for those of you who have stuck around. I want to do right by you by posting more and interacting more.
On that note, there hasn't been a Krystal Archive Podcast episode since January 8th, 2020! 5 years ago!!! That's going to change soon. I'm planning to record a new episode this Saturday and post it when I get it edited. So, here's your time to shine. If you have any questions, comments, or things you want me to cover, please send them in! What were your favorite Krystal events that happened in the last 5 years? What do you hope to see in the future? Do you have any burning questions about the site or Krystal? Let me know! Comment down below with your question or comment, or email me at Looking forward to read what you have to say.
What’s your perfect dream scenario for Krystal appearing in a future game? A standalone starring her, a remastering of a former game, sequel, prequel, something completely different, possible design changes both physical and beyond or keeping things the same? Just very curious as to what you would ideally be looking for in a perfect future with said game and what you’d ideally want from her and the game itself around her.
Congratulations man! I feel like I have missed out on so much of this site over the years, especially considering that I knew exactly what I was doing around the time that you started the website so long ago. Been on a hardcore Krystal Binge lately, and I love seeing stuff like this still running.
Something that I have wanted for years is another game that shows the dynamic between both Krystal and Fox, and makes it a big part of the plot, like in SFA, but much much deeper. Would also love to see her as a playable smash Character, and if she ever got her own game, I would be pre-ordering that the second I heard about it!
Also, do you remember what you posted up on here on day 1, back in 2006?
Oh, and not to double comment, but one thing that I am strongly opinionated on, is that any sort of voiceover work for Krystal for future projects MUST be done by Estelle Ellis! She is always going to be the OG, and has done so much work with keeping the character in the spotlight, just like you have done here!
Happy Birthday, Krystal Archive!
My pitch for a true spiritual successor to Starfox Adventures would be called “Starfox Adventures: Cerinia”, and would involve Fox and Krystal exploring the scattered remnants of Cerinia floating around in space. Much like the original Adventures, they would have to collect artifacts of sorts to bring the remnants (or continents) back together to fix the planet, as well as discover the keys to the mysteries behind the planet’s past. It would play alot like “Subnautica” mixed with the original game, and would emphasize more vehicle gameplay including the “Blue Marine”, “Landmaster”,”Arwing”, and the “Bikemaster”. It would balance the vehicle gameplay with on-foot gameplay as well. There would be several plot twists in the game where Fox and Krystal would get in trouble, and even get separated at times. Near the end, it would be revealed that Drakor originally destroyed Cerinia, and was using Fox and Krystal’s efforts to power up a new weapon powered by the artifacts and the “Quan Ata Lachu” to destroy the Lylat System. They would have to team up to defeat him and barely escape the once-again imploding planet. There’s way more to the game than just that, but that’s the jist of it. Oh, and General Scales would make a comeback in it as well, with a REAL bossfight this time lol. What do you guys think?
The blog wasn’t updating much during the Dinosaur Planet leaks. Theres a lot of Krystal trivia and cool moments in there to post about.
Hi! New poster here, long-time Nintendo fan and artist. Though, I’ve actually known about the Krystal Archive for a couple years now. I’ve just never really had the courage to leave a comment on here. I’m quite shy. I figured the 19th anniversary of the Krystal Archive might be my cue to speak up.
Also, as an artist myself, I don’t really do much Krystal-related work. Maybe I should change that.
My only question is if you can imagine Krystal reaching a wider audience one day. Essentially, outside the Internet’s art and gaming communities (especially the really niche ones) and conventions.
Speaking of conventions, yes, I saw a Krystal banner for sale at AFC 2024, a furry convention that was held in Ontario, California, and yes, with her being my favorite video game character, I was tempted to buy it. Spoiler alert: I never bought it.