Breath of the Wild Krystal Mod

Modder ToRiCoChi created this amazing Krystal mod for The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. With the right items, you can play through the entire game as Krystal and even use her staff as your primary weapon.
Based on the Linkle mod, this Krystal mod replaces the Phantom Armor set with the textures, mesh, and animations to recreate Krystal, including ears, tail, hair, and clothing, as well as the physics modifications to make them all work seamlessly. In spite of being a blue fox creature, the citizens of the world won't be scared of her as they would with the normal Phantom Armor. The SixSage's Sword is replaced with Krystal's staff. Though it's a sword weapon, Krystal will use it as a staff weapon.
There's and alternate version of the mod also available for download called TuyoTuyo version, which makes the armor resist all weather effects (so you can always look like Krystal), makes it slightly stronger, and makes staff weapons not breakable so you can use Krystal's staff forever. ToRiCoChi really thought of everything.
You can download both versions from GameBanana. This mod is specifically for the Wii U version of the game. I really should try this!