Dinosaur Planet: A Player’s Perspective of Today
YouTuber Jigglylookback recently released a video detailing his experiences with the released debug build of Dinosaur Planet combined with play a more recent fan build from this year called Dinomod Enhanced. He covers the details of what was broken, what's still broken, and the state of the game today. The video also covers the history of the game's development, how it compares to Star Fox Adventures, and a summary of the entire game's plot, so beware of spoilers!
To achieve find all this detail for his video, Jiggylookback did five streams where he played through the Dinomod Enhanced 2025 build of Dinosaur Planet. If you want to see the whole game, start to finish (not counting the still missing sections and features), you can watch these:
- Dinosaur Planet on N64
- More Dinosaur Planet on N64
- Even More Dinosaur Planet on N64
- Can We Make More Progress? Dinosaur Planet on N64
- The Home Stretch... Dinosaur Planet on N64
The fan community has brought the game to a much more playable state since the original release in 2021. I suspect with all the new N64 decompilation work going on lately, this game may be next to get the decompilation treatment. If that happens, fixes, adjustments, and mods for the game will become relatively easy to make.
If you're interested in following the ongoing fan development of Dinosaur Planet, there are at least two Discord servers you can join. If you're interested in the very cutting edge of modern Nintendo 64 development, check out the videos by Kaze Emanuar, who is currently developing an unofficial sequel to Mario 64 called "Return to Yoshi's Island". He's been using every trick in the book, and sometimes writing his own, to pull out the absolute maximum performance out of real N64 hardware, and it shows, with the Mario 64-like game running above 30 frames per second with tons more detail, better textures, better physics and movesets, and 15 brand new worlds. The game will be releasing sometime in 2025 or 2026 by my estimation. Here's an example video where he shows off his underwater dome level.
I've recently become very excited for the state of N64 development, with Dinosaur Planet, these decompilations, and the soon-to-be-released Analogue 3D, a high-end, system-accurate FPGA N64 clone that can do 4K video output.
Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I had to go on a business trip where I got sick AGAIN (4th time in 2 months).
love dinosaur planet thanks for sharing
cool, i remember playing a early version of this back in 2020 or 2021 on the n64 emulator – it’s somewhat playable but have some missing audio or audio not in synced with the scenes.