Star Fox Zero Removed from Platinum’s Website, Or Was It?

Platinum is a well-respected game company who, among other things, co-developed Star Fox Zero with Nintendo. Well, several gaming outlets are publishing that the game has been removed from their website's list of games.
You can see that the page only shows a handful of games are listed now compared to the 22 games listed before. Speculation is running hard about what this means.
I don't know what it means for the other games that were removed, but for Star Fox Zero, it's a little unclear. It turns out the Star Fox Zero page is still there. It's just not linked to anymore. You can view it here.
Could it be that Platinum is simply reorganizing their site? Possibly. Maybe the missing games will reappear in a few days. Or maybe they do intend to remove those games, including Star Fox Zero, for some other purpose. Could Star Fox Zero be getting a remaster and Nintendo wants to sweep the original developers under the rug like they did with Donkey Kong Country Returns HD? No way to know yet.