Star Fox Assault 20th Anniversary Celebration!

Valentine's Day 2025 is coming up quick on February 14th. But there's something else happening that day besides the holiday. It's the 20th anniversary of Star Fox Assault's release date (Feb 14th, 2005)!
I remember it fondly, finding out in 2003 that Namco was working on a sequel to Star Fox Adventures for the Nintendo GameCube. I found out like most others, by seeing the cool trailer with weird voice acting. It sounded like they got Billy West, the voice of Fry from Futurama, to do Fox McCloud's voice. In reality, they probably got some employees from Nintendo of America to do their best Star Fox character impressions for the demos.
It wasn't even called Star Fox Assault back then. Just "the next Star Fox on Nintendo GameCube".
Then, a few years later, we got the game that many consider to be the peak of Star Fox games. It featured a much more even spread of on-foot and flying missions. The story and characters continued from where they left off in Adventures, with Krystal becoming a pilot and Peppy leaving the Arwing to take on an advisory role. Plus, the whole game had an orchestrated soundtrack and some really nice pre-rendered cutscenes for the time.
20 years later, and Star Fox Assault hasn't aged quite as well as Star Fox Adventures has, but it's still one of the best known games on the Nintendo GameCube.
And I think that's worth celebrating! Like the Star Fox Adventures 20th Anniversary, let's pull out all the stops to remember and celebrate this game together! What will YOU do to celebrate the game?
The Plan
- Find a way to show your appreciation for Star Fox Assault and the whole Star Fox series in your own way.
- Post about it to social media (with the hashtag #StarFoxAssault20th), in the comments, or via email.
- Whenever I can, I will retweet and post about the things you send.
- Record some shenanigans in Star Fox Assault's multiplayer mode.
- Do a stream playing through the game.
- Make a remix of one of the songs from the game.
- Draw some fanart.
- Build a 3D prop replica of a weapon from the game.
- Reanimate your favorite cutscene (you know the one)
- Give us your best Panther impression, the cheesier the better!
- Show off your Star Fox collection.
- ...or whatever else you can think of!
Whatever you choose to do, when you post about it please be sure to use the hashtag #StarFoxAssault20th. Please keep it family-friendly! I can't wait to see what you all come up with!
NOTE: In the last five years, the release date listed for Star Fox Assault has moved around. I found some sources saying the 13th, some the 14th, and some the 15th. But last time we celebrated its birthday, it was on the 14th, so we're going with that.