A-Kon 2013 Group Star Fox Cosplay

Featured in The Dallas Morning News and A-KonTV, a group of friends got together to cosplay as several Star Fox characters at A-kon back in May 2013. From left to right, the represented characters are: Falco Lombardi, Katt Monroe, Krystal, and Fox McCloud. The base jumpsuit of the costume was modified for the cosplayer by Sew What?! Costumes and Alterations. The ears, tail, and jewelry were custom made for this costume. We don't know the identity of the cosplayer herself or her friends.
Guest post by Brian. Thanks!
So freaking awesome!
If you liked that I want to let you guys know that we will be returning with a vengeance to Akon this year with some new additions to the Star Fox gang…you never know, maybe Team Wolf will appear.
@Sew What?! and Friends
Interesting… Also, could we get more info on the cosplayers themselves?
What would you like to know?