Krystal Confirmed Absent from Star Fox Zero

A fact picked up on numerous news websites today, Mr. Yusuke Hashimoto, Platinum Games Director, and co-developer of Star Fox Zero, answered a tweet by Jordan Sweeto on August 16th.
@JordanSweeto Aug 16
.@PG_y_hashimoto Can we expect to see Krystal in Star Fox Zero at all?
To which, Mr. Hashimoto replied:
橋本祐介 @PG_y_hashimoto
@JordanSweeto She won't show up this time, but I'd love to put her in a sequel if we'd get to make one!
So, an 11 year-old Krystal will NOT be in Star Fox Zero (expected), and Platinum would love to continue working on the Star Fox series (EXCELLENT!). Star Fox Adventures "reimagining" perhaps? :P
Thanks to all who reported this, and a special thanks to 'earth being' for finding it first.
Well we can dream atleast.
@Mr. Krystal
Hi again, you know the Krystal music you posted. I have a piano arrangement for “Krystal is captured” song. Do you want me to send it to you? And if so can you tell me how to send it.
I knew that this was the case, but I’m glad that the big guy himself made it public that she hasn’t been forgotten.
Can’t wait to see krystal revamed zero style.
Just to point out again this tweet was posted before the delay. So it is unclear if as part of the delay they will add her into the game. Also as pointed out before as this game is a re-imagining Krystal’s age has yet to be determined.
Regardless I am very happy to see Krystal will remain as part of the series. Or at least there is interest in her appearing again.
Something as significant as adding a brand new character to an existing story is probably unrealistic for the timeframe that the delay caused. Nintendo is probably spending 100% of their delay time on polish: making the game look and play better, but probably not adding that much new content, if any.
@Mr. Krystal
What I meant was do you want me to send it in mp3 format or another and where would you like me to send it to.
It is unfortunate that Krystal is not in this game (I wanted her to be though), but maybe somewhere down the road, Nintendo might make another game where Krystal is guaranteed to be in it. Maybe a game of some mission(s) which occured at a point in time between the end of Star Fox Adventures and the start of Star Fox Assault. I would really love to see a game like that. How about you guys? Here’s hoping. :)
I wouldn’t mind an Adventures remake (hopefully it’d be a lot more fun to play and a lot more deliberate in its execution – Adventures wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t terribly good either). Given what Miyamoto has said about treating each game he makes as if it were the first in a series, though, don’t hold your breath.
@Mr. Krystal
I wasn’t meaning specifically storyline wise or that she would be a major character if added in storyline wise. I was meaning the game in general. There are a number of ways to add her into the game with very little effort and time spent on it. Still question of whether they will do that or not.
This is an old tweet, but still promising. I’m still hoping she gets added to Zero; perhaps her performance in the smash ballet gave her a boost for appearing in this game.
Another point. Miyamoto said this game would be more episodic in nature. I’d bet future episodes will include her.
But yeah, it’s neat that she got mentioned, and that they’d love to add her a sequel!
Sure, my email is
@Mr. Krystal
Ok, getting right on it.
In other words Krystal’s fine, as she and the others were before Zero even came around. This is the second time they’ve confirmed nothing’s effected. In probably it’s own universe seperate from the main one (64, Adv, Assault, Command) Everyone still appears anyway, but would be done differently maybe and we might see more added in like two particular girls, maybe three. Zero’s just in an alt 64 universe. Multiple times they’ve stated IT’S NOT A BLOODY REBOOT and all post-N64 characters are safe. Barely now are people seeing that. This is platinum games were talking about. They gave us bayonetta 2 and transformers devastation. They took two broken series and made them better. So now they want to do the same with starfox.
Told you all, hype ain’t leaving :)
Well that’s retarded
@ earth being
At least this is great news for us. Even if Krystal doesn’t appear in Starfox Zero, it’s not the end of the world here. I’m sure she’ll be back in future Starfox entries. After all, she’s already established herself in the Starfox franchise and she’s there to stay. I’m glad that Hashimoto acknowledges her and would love to see Platinum Games do a future Starfox game and this time include her around. ^^
That’s just a lame excuse
Hmm… well seeing as how they took the reimagining path, and that they would love to continue working on the series, it makes the most sense that they would stick with the general storyline and do a reimagining of adventures, and then even assault, and maybe just maybe command *shivers*… here’s to hoping
Say what you want, but making fun of mentality handicapped people by calling things “retarded” is juvenile.
Boy would that be something. Hopefully Krystal would be the heroine like she was supposed to be in Dinosaur Planet. Say, you seem familiar… Do you know Mr. Ness?
My point exactly :)
I better see Krystal in the very next game and the ones afterwards, other wises I will be in rage in killing people in Smash to let out my frustration.
@earth being
What are your thoughts for the upcoming Smash Direct in December coming up now? Do you still think that we’ll get for the DLC characters that we’ll get at least a Starfox character to join alongside with Cloud?
@Mr. Krystal
Did you get the file?
My deep down secret hope is that they make a Babylon 5 videogame some day. I’d want Nintendo to make it, and to have encounters with Star Fox and Samus Aran.
That was to be expected anyway. I knew that she wasn’t going to be in it because of the game being reimagined.
of course krystal won’t show up, this is the early days of star fox, the only way she’ll show up is a prequel to adventures: dinosaur planet or after it.
@ Mr. Krystal
It does makes sense when it gets right down to it, but I’m just happy There’s still interest in Krytstal.
Well I can see one yes. If there is to be one. There’s living proof Krystal has quite the open window when it comes to possibilites, and it’s also proven that fans want her in. So she could at least be mentioned. Playable is fairly lucky. Since she might be in the next starfox game after zero, I don’t think she even needs the ballot at this point. But I and many others did a lot to get her in, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she got confirmed.
True. Even I placed my vote on Krystal to make sure that she gets a chance to finally make it in Smash 4 as a playable character. With the Starfox series becoming relevant once again, this is the best way now to reveal at least one Starfox character to promote it to some extent. At least Krystal will be back in future Starfox entries after Zero.
Krystal deserves to be recognized and respect. To be honest, I am not a fan of Fara anyway.
I am happy that Platinum is doing the right thing for the franchise but hopefully we should hear about her soon. Yes, I agree that Nintendo are still thinking about her.
Perhaps this may sound like a ridiculous idea, but maybe doing something like what fans of DKC did when Dixie wasnt in DKCR. You know, do a campaign to show Nintendo that people like and want the character, either it be a petition or just sending letters in which I can provide the address if needed.
Reading those twitter responses. By golly are they mixed. *gets bag of popcorn and soda*
A sequel of Star Fox Adventures would be great!!
theres a rumer going around that krystal may be leaked but who can say.
sause plz?
>reimagining starfox adventures
holy hell. I am praying they do this… if there is any starfox game that sticks out like a thumb (theme wise) starfox adventures nailed it.
If they want to do starfox command or make assault HD. I will cum buckets and… I mean I am in the palm of this guy’s hand.
I’m up for an HD remake of Adventures and Assault (much like how Mario SunShine and Zelda Twilight Princess are getting).
Google videos/youtube look up smash ballot. look for user”theskuxxedone” acording to him hes not the only one with that theary.
I think if they were to do another Adventures or a Zero re-imagining I actually would prefer Monolith Soft to create the game. They could create a huge fantastic Star Fox world and have an action combat system as well as ability to fly freely around said world. They can also mix sci-fi and fantasy elements as well.
When it comes to remaking Adventures I never know if I want it to be a HD or a 3D effect one. Specially because of the cut scenes. Some of them feel like they were made to pop out of the screen. However it is a pretty game so it should look amazing with the right adjustments.
I think Adventures remake should have a more HD look with some Kung Fu Panda 3D effects.
@StarDog Smasher
I was meaning ether to make use of 3D slider on 3DS or on WIiU for HD visuals. Not everyone has a 3D TV. Nothing much on NX to really know if both would be possible on that.
Well what exactly do we know about the NX? nothing nintendo has told us nothing.
@ Mr. Krystal, I made a Video series called “Game Nostalgics” and Star Fox is the very first Episode. I hope you enjoy it!
I think the only things we know are:
1. It incorporates some kind of idea that makes it related to both a home console AND a portable console, somehow.
2. Developer kits have been sent out, and developers are seeming to be enthusiastic about it.
I wonder if not only Krystal, but Sauria the planet will appear in a future Star Fox game.
Who knows? Anything is possible I guess
interesting Mr krystal.
The only explanation that Krystal doesn’t appearance in game, because Star Fox Zero is a prequel before Star Fox Adventures.