LucasJG1994 Records ‘Krystal Captured’ Song

The beautiful, but haunting song that plays during the cutscene of Krystal becoming trapped only exists on the game disc as a recorded song with the sound effects mixed in. As a result, there's no way to extract just the song portion of that cutscene. However, LucasJG1994 sent me his recording of it. We worked back and forth to create sheet music, a midi version, and a synthesized voice version (which sounds similar to how it does in the game. Feel free to take the sheet music and midi file to play and remix the song yourself. Perhaps you can make a version that sounds even closer to the original.
thats awsome man its a fitting song.
Sounds pretty great =D
@Mr. Krystal
I tell you, when I heard the synthesized voices I cried. Thanks Mr. Krystal for that, and more recordings are on the way. ;)
nice music dude it was relaxing for the original recording.
@Mr. Krystal
Im very not good in music.
Thanks, do you know how to read Guitar Tabs?
maybe i dont know how. maybe yes or maybe no.
did you taking some guitar lessons?
Well, Guitar Tabs are more easier to read than the actual sheet music. I was thinking if your having trouble I can make a Guitar Tab version of the song.
Pretty neat. Short but neat. I used to be able to read sheet music, but that’s something I haven’t done for a long time. I mostly read chords and tabs now.
Well im having some trouble during my musics lessons whit a flute can you do the Guitar tabs version of this song. Please?
Already completed it and submitted it since yesterday.
oh it was done yesterday.
Posted the guitar things as updates to the post.
@Mr. Krystal
I’m gonna do a remix using the MIDI file. I will give you credit and show it to you
@Craig Beverlin
You don’t need to credit me. Credit LucasJG1994.
@Mr. Krystal and LucasJG1994
thanks Mr Krystal and LucasJG1994 for the guitar tab version thx for my life im just soo happy if Mr Krystal has awnser my comment thx soo much guys.!
@Mr.Krystal and LucasJG1994
Well its is the first time for me to get a new version of a song in the internet my mom and my sister are happy for me. A young teenager of 15 years old like me its just the best day of my life.
Did i say something bad?
No you didn’t say anything bad :) happy to see you liked it.
cool i enjoye your music the guitar midi version it makes feel did i want to sleep. Nice work LucasJG1994 keap on the good work.
i am sure then im younger then you. I like music but to learn its hard. A nice quiet music chears me everytime when i am feeling to cry for something bad is happening in my life.
I don’t mean it in a negative way. However, you need to understand that I graduated college over 5 years ago… with a MASTER’S DEGREE. If you are in school at all, I am way older than you (almost 31 now).
Well 6 years older to be exact, I know music can become difficult to learn and there will be dead ends. But, try to feel the music when listening to it. You see every song tells a story, the beats are its pulse, the musical sounds are its breath and the combined notes are its language. Sounds confusing right? Well, practice listening to music everyday. When I listen to music, I do my chores, read books, write fanfics, walk down the road, etc. What ever you do, listen to music. I even sleep with music in my ears. lol. But the most important thing is to never give up and to inspire yourself try listening to your favorite songs and imagine yourself playing it in your mind. One more advice I have for you is to do one note at a time, practice doing that and you’ll become a good musician in no time.
@Mr.Krystal and LucasJG1994
for Mr.Krystal: its sure im 15 then you is almost 31 you have 16 years over me. its sure for real
for LucasJG1994: Thanks for the advices but i dont have music lessons also i was sleeping whit musics in my ears has well. I use musics after my days of each exams section. in November last mouth in February and in june almost at the summer vacation. You will maybe have 21 years old if im correct.
Mr.Krystal and LucasJG1994 you are the best people im never seen. Lets do it.
I never had music lessons either. :)
oh you was practicing music.
yep, been self teaching myself on guitar for almost 7 years now. Piano almost 4 years.
you can check out some of my arrangements here.
Well can you seem yourself playing music on a moments like that. That will be confuse to see.
You have a youtube account im dont use mine im just subscribe youtube channels.
Yea I have a youtube account.
i dont use mine i just love to click the subscribes buttons.
Ok, but you will work on the advice I laid out for you right?
i just using my phone watch always youtube whit my phone just that but im not a pro of youtube.
Pro of youtube? I was talking about the music advice I gave you.
I’m not critic, but like… the synthesized version on here sounds SOOO much nicer than the original and actually sounds like a “modernized” version used for a remake of the game.
I too thought of that as well.
I plan on making a version of this I’d like to post soon. I’ve got a program I can layer myself over several times and cover all the parts of the sheet music; and synthesize it as well. Anyone mind a (sort of) live brass choir version?
when i mean pro of youtube is to very popular have many subscribers to know everything did you say.
Yeah now we talk to youtube lets change this we need to talk about the music you make.
also we are not born in the same country we live in the contient but now try to answer this. did i live from Canada or Mexico? try hard i will give you a advice we speak english and little french. can you guest it.
dang it wrong subjet again.
My mom is way older then you she born in 1966
She has 49 next year she will have 50.
Ok I see, well as long as you enjoy music then your efforts will be worth it.
That sounds pretty interesting, sure go ahead can’t wait to hear it. ;)
I made a Remix using your MIDI, I even gave you credit. I hope you like it!
@Craig Beverlin
That’s pretty good! It actually sounds like the Star Fox franchise got a crossover with Pokemon.
I enjoy your music its relaxe you are a good musician.
Thanks! I’m actually almost done with the Krazoa Palace main theme. Once that’s finished then it’s the sheet music for piano + midi and Guitar tabs + Guitar midi. Got a lot to do. (Phew!!)
well i mean of that i will enjoy your musics everydays
Wow a lot of works to do!.
Yep and that’s just for one song
im sure you take a break after a song?
Well I wish I could, but if I leave my songs half done I go crazy. So I need to finish them. Plus, I have so much songs that I’ve completed but needs the sheet music for it. But what can I say? I really enjoy it!
I see you want to finish all of your songs?
yep that’s right.
That is a lot of songs to make can you really doing this today.? That makes me asking some questions.
Songs like “Krystal Captured” took me 5 min to arrange and a hour to practice, that’s because it’s so short and the notes aren’t that complicated. But, “Krazoa Palace main theme” or “Krazoa Shrine theme” took me almost a couple of days, because I arrange by ear and write it down on sheet music and Guitar tabs.
I dont know what to say. Krystal capture took you 5 min so the Krazoa palace took you a couple day. its depend of which musics you are going to make?
Yep, that is correct. you see songs that are slow paced I can can arrange between 2 to 5 min. But when a song has runs and chords involved the process can get unbearable and so it takes me 2 to 3 days, even 4 days if need be.
ok i see.
one day lets aim for 100 comments if it is possible.
Actually, let’s not. Let’s instead aim for staying on topic.
oh right. maybe too much.
You haven’t heard from me in a while, but don’t worry, I still pop in to see how everything is going here and there. I don’t think I’ll ever stop doing that. This website holds a special spot in my heart. Anyways, after listening to the original audio from the game, I realized that the vocals in the game sound an awful lot like the ones Savant uses in Melody Circus from 1:38 – 1:58. The ones in the game just seem to be more synthesized than the ones savant used. I know that to make music he uses FL Studio, so maybe the voices are in that software somewhere? I don’t know. I don’t have the program anymore, and even if I did I never learned how to use it. Still thought it rather interesting and hopeful that a similar sound was made within the last 3 years.
@Mr. Krystal
Well one new we have 107 comments. i see we have take over 100 comments.
Playing the piano and synth versions of this song together sounds pretty amazing. It’s not perfectly in sync, but I still quite enjoyable to listen to.