Starfox-Online Under New Management

It seems that long-time Starfox-Online site owner, DZComposer, has moved on to other things. In his place, three new administrators have taken over: MKGirlism, Sawtooth/Lonewolf, and Dr. Orange. See the announcement post. I spoke with Dr. Orange a few days ago and we discussed changes, plans, and ideas for collaboration.
During this transitionary period, Starfox-Online will be a construction zone, with missing features and content. But the new owners are doing whatever they can to make the site even better than before! Already, the Starfox-Online Twitter account has been more active, and they have a very active Discord channel.
As for future collaboration, it's no secret that I have a desire to publish Star Fox content beyond Krystal-related stuff. However, since they seem to have the Star Fox news, fan works, and community taken care of, I will focus my efforts elsewhere for the most part. Of course, I will continue post big news or Star Fox fan art that is of exceptional quality or interest. But handling all the rest is simply too much for me.
Other plans for collaboration include a sharing of knowledge and expertise in our desire to expand Star Fox research on ROM data. We also would both like to do podcasts, and I can see us co-staring on each other's shows. Lastly, I think that we will probably collaborate on video featurettes and other interesting projects.
The Krystal Archive wishes Starfox-Online the best of luck as they rebuild and expand. I can't wait to see what they have in store for us in the future.
Sorry I missed the post yesterday. I was prepping to leave for California, where I am currently typing this from.