Star Fox 2 Official Art is Awesome!

The Nintendo US SNES Classic page shows a bit of official artwork, but the Nintendo UK SNES Classic page shows even more. We have our first officially released artwork for Miyu and Fay (to my knowledge). With the official release of Star Fox 2, Miyu and Fay are now technically canon characters, to say nothing of story points in the finished game no-one has yet seen. It's going to be an interesting year for Star Fox lore.
I really like this comic-like drawn style of the Star Fox characters. Now, who wants to volunteer to do Krystal in this style?
As a side note, it looks like Nintendo of Japan has not yet announced that the SNES Classic will be released in their region. Curious.
Darn it some one beat me to it OK own up who told Mr K about the snes mini and the 2 starfox games before me?
lol don’t forget that Mr. K is a starfox fan too you know.
Does this mean we could see 4 females in the next starfox title? that’d be one huge upgrade.
The very first thing I saw was from @RichiRay97 via Twitter on my phone:
I found the Official Artwork on Nintendo UK’s site myself after seeing this post by Misty:
I read on IGN about the SNES and I thought” Oh damn, they’re actually making it!” Then I read Star Fox 2 was actually getting a release on it and was like “wait… what?!!?”
Does anyone know if this will be canon? As in, Star Fox Zero and then this being a sort of odd and dated, but valid sequel for the new story? I don’t have a problem if it is!
I didn’t really want the NES classic cause I didn’t grow up around it, but I’ll 100% be fighting for the SNES classic!
I heard about it from gameXplain and HMK on youtube I’m geting this once I get the money I’m brock.
I never got to play the original starfox/starwing now I can play both starfoxes/starwings… again once I get £80 to blow.
I wonder if this will have any effect with future releases… What does it all mean for the time-line in general… Of course at the moment nothing really changes, Still it makes me wonder what this means if anything…
Oh my gosh! that art work is awesome! I would like to get the SNES classic now! But I need money, a place to keep it, and get rid of a 1985 5” B&W TV that look’s like an IBM PC.
I would like to draw Krystal in this style, but it may take some time. I have some short comics I need to finish first. I’ll post on my GAB!
Nintendo touching a cancelled Star Fox game, huh. It might be interesting, BUT… I’m still waiting for something that has Krystal in it or it takes place after Star Fox Assault (and forgets Command).
This is very interesting for a franchise we all thought, prior to SF0 that is, Nintendo had left out in the cold. Not only did they release a couple new games for it out of the blue, suddenly they’re digging up a lost treasure for what I’d honestly thought they’d considered their last-priority franchise.
Maybe there’s still hope for Krystal after all. If they’re going THIS far out of their way, who knows what else they’re planning or could come up with down the road?
@ Alex
We might see a N64 classic with Dinosaur Planet, but that’ll probably never happen… Wish it could.
I find that a bit unlikely considering that’s Rareware material. I know it was eventually released as a Nintendo-only game, but there might be some legal hangups preventing that one from happening.
That’s not to say they certainly won’t try, though… I wouldn’t be shocked, at this point, if they at least tried.
@Alex and @codym512s
Dinosaur Planet as part of a possible N64 mini would be very unlikely. Dinosaur Planet from information I got was incomplete and dodgy(?) at time of changeover. Regardless of changes made Dinosaur Planet is still an early version of Star Fox Adventures. It is more likely we get a remake of Star Fox Adventures with some sort of mode or changes done to bring in unused and new content as opposed to a release of an earlier version of the game. Going with recent releases of the series Adventures remake would be the next step.
That’s the other thing, Angel – we know for certain SF2 didn’t simply serve as the basis of another game, they simply dropped it right where they found it, but we don’t know whether DP got folded into SFA or if it’s still floating around on its own somewhere. I imagine it got folded into the other game, so it doesn’t exist on its own anymore.
I’m not sure how important it is, but this post appears to be missing the “Star Fox 2” tag.
Thanks! Fixed.