Star Fox Command Coming to Wii U eShop

Nintendo just announced a bunch of release dates, including an eShop release of Star Fox Command on June 25th, 2015, less than 8 days away. Given Star Fox Command's touch screen-based controls, and the fact that flying in Star Fox games generally works better on the big screen, this version using the Wii U gamepad and your TV screen might actually be a superior way to play the game. No pricing available yet, but I'd estimate the price at around $10.
For those of you worried that Star Fox games after Star Fox 64 will get retconned because Star Fox Zero occurs in the same timeframe, take heart. They're not even retconning the least favorite Star Fox game of all. Now that GameCube games are also possible on Wii U, I wouldn't be surprised to see Star Fox Adventures or Assault appearing for download either. After all, both were Player's Choice games. I keep telling you guys: Nintendo doesn't make a business of pretending its old games never happened, they make a business out of re-re-re-releasing their old games.
Source. Thanks to Earth Being for the info.
See? Krystal’s staying. And do keep in mind that this game has an ending where Fox and Krystal have a child named Marcus. This increased her chance for smash. Nintendo cares. Happy peeps? :)
That’s really good to see that they are bringing Command to the Wii U’s eShop. This does increase Krystal’s chances after all for not just Smash 4’s DLC, but also for Starfox Zero. I can see Krystal reimagined for Zero. As I said before, I don’t think that they are going to get rid of her from the series and Miyamoto knows that. Anyway, if they can get Command into the eShop, then I can see them doing it in bringing GameCube games to the eShop with games like Adventures and Assault.
I actually had an idea with Star Fox Zero when it comes to where it falls within the Star Fox canon. Maybe Star Fox Zero takes place within an alternate reality, similar to the new Star Trek movies. Thus, the original timeline is left intact, and this is just a new one that runs parallel with the old one (kind of like the split timeline in The Legend of Zelda). What’s your opinion?
Oh and I almost forgot to mention, we’re talking about the same company that has re-released all the old Donkey Kong games RARE made, so re-releasing star fox adventure is entirely possible. Assault kinda is a shoe in considering namco (it’s co-producer) still partnered up with Nintendo due to the massive amount of smash DLC. I’m just more surprised if anything that Nintendo didn’t say anything about this during E3. But hey, it is a multi-million dollar $ (pound £, yen ¥, euro €, etc.) Industry after all. :)
PROMISE THIS IS LAST COMMENT. this information is also on Nintendo’s Facebook and Twitter, for those who might have trouble accessing Google+ for whatever reason :)
Even if Star Fox Zero is an alternate timeline running parallel to Star Fox 64, it doesn’t change the fact that Krystal is 11 years old and too young to pilot a spacecraft by this time.
Command, really? Why can’t Adventures or Assault be on the list? They’re way better then Command.
It’s been changed to 22 once she made it in the star fox franchise, remember?
Some other games have had a similar treatment. Where past games released on virtual console prior to a new game and then Nintendo added a promotion on. Where you buy past game to get the newer game for less. Command is only game they could release for such a purpose. The GameCube ones would either have to remake or start GC Virtual Console which is unlikely to happen just for Star Fox.
No offence but unless Nintendo come out and say something clearly regarding Krystal and the series after Zero then it’s still not certain.
Nintendo DOES have GameCube on Virtual Console, though they are coming slower as they probably have to make more changes than simply emulating them directly:
Let’s be realistic here. Why do you expect Nintendo to come out and make a statement about a secondary character in a secondary series? Has Nintendo EVER done that, for ANY character?
Nope. Not even for Geno :)
@Mr. Krystal
They talked about bringing GameCube games to WiiU VC but haven’t done so yet. All the games listed and released on VC are Wii games or Wii version of games.
She has been playable in more games then most other Srar Fox characters. She has had more story importance then other characters in the game. I wouldn’t call her secondary. She is the main female character. To be fair I wouldn’t call any member of Star Fox team secondary. Just how I define it.
Nintendo has done that for some female characters. One of the big things they brought up about Hyrule Warriors was the amount of female characters who were playable. I have seen them make a fuss over characters who are a lot lower then krystal. It varies a lot. So it’s really unknown if they would mention her or not. A lot comes down to how many ask. The more who ask more likely Nintendo will respond to it. Just thinking and acting like they won’t without trying is not going to get any result at all.
You’re right. Somehow I got those two mixed up.
@earth being
She was 16 in the original Dinosaur Planet game and upped to 19 in Star Fox Adventures. Fox is literally 7 years older than her. He is 18 during Star Fox 64.
In assault she’s 22 and he’s 29 so… Yeah, you have a point. Meh. They’re both in their 20’s…
Command wasn’t my favourite in the series, but I’ll be definitely buying this on Wii U. If the sales are good, then even if it only helps a little bit, it might give Nintendo another reason to place the next Star Fox game after Zero either after command/assault or in the same timeline. Either way, still looking forward to Zero and the future of Starfox.
@earth being
In Assault, Krystal is 20 and Fox is 27. Assault occurs 1 year after Adventures. Command occurs 2-3 years after Assault.
The current ages on their Star Fox Wiki pages are their Command appearances which shows Krystal as 22. So you’re not wrong but it’s the wrong game you’re referring too.
Yeah, me and command never mixed too well, but I’m happy it’s going to the eshop to prove to all people, for or against Krystal that star fox zero does not spell the end for her (and panther because he’s got fans too) there will still be people who think or say otherwise, but that’s their problem not ours. :)
Good point there. I swear I was about to put my size 13 steel toe boot up Miyamoto’s ass if he tried to pass off another port of SF64 as being a new Star Fox game. Got kind of PO’d about no Star Fox for the first Wii, being the fact that you have got-dang flight stick right your hand, and the nunchuck could be a collective if there was a VTO feature like in Adventures.
As much as I don’t like SF: Command (don’t hate me ><), that does give a glimmer of hope as she is a relatively big part of the story line, and does show Nintendo does still care about the Star Fox franchise. If only we knew the legal status of the Super FX chip, now that Argonaut Software went under more than ten years ago, if so, they would allow the original SF on the VC.
This is good. I missed out on Star Fox Command since I was late to the Nintendo DS system. I definite add on to my VC collection.
Thank goodness I still have my DS copy of it, but I wouldn’t mind a VC version.
Tomorrow is when it comes out, but by the time anyone reads this, the game might already be out. :)