Star Fox Swag at Nintendo NY

The Nintendo NY Store is handing out exclusive items that they featured on their twitter feed. You can play the game on a massive screen in an Arwing cockpit. Players apparently receive one of the E3 Arwing pins. Purchasers of the game can get some 'top-secret documents' in a "flight pack" with their patch and game. They can also get a poster featuring every Star Fox game. Various Star Fox clothing is also available for purchase. Check out the photos below.
If anyone is in or near New York and can obtain one of the "flight pack" promos, please contact me immediately! I need to obtain those top secret documents for Star Fox history. I will reimburse you for your purchase and time.
>.< ahhhh I love those pins.
I hope there is eventually a shop where we can order some of these types of things.
Why does New York get all the good stuff? -_-