Second Demo of Star Fox Adventures 2 Fangame

If you've been following the comments on the Krystal Archive, you might have seen this project by NJFox. He's attempting to make his own Star Fox Adventure game, a sequel, this time featuring Krystal as the main character. It's a bit rough around the edges, but NJFox keeps developing it consistently. I hope to see a lot of progress on this fangame in the future!
According to NJFox, the goal of the game is to fix your crashed Arwing by locating six parts scattered all over Cape Claw. Some are unreachable until you obtain certain Staff upgrades (some obtained from bosses). Eventually, he wants to add side quests and additional story. NJFox is new to game development, and is learning the programming as he goes. He's primarily a 3D artist.
NJFox just uploaded the second demo version of the game for you all to try. You can view more screenshots and download the demo versions here. If you want to try the demo, you must download both the executable file (.exe) and the Data folder that goes with it. The easiest way to get these is to select the top-level demo folder and then choose Download from the options, which will compress it into a zip folder (about 100 MB). For now, the demo is Windows only.
Looking good! Keep up the good work. It will be very interesting to see where this goes.
Hmm, wonder if he could use some help. I would love to lend some of my time helping with environments and even animation.
Who here has started playing Star Fox Adventures recently. I just started playing it. (And just when I’m typing this a Sharp Claw attacks me LOL)
Any way. I haven’t touched this game in 7 years. Wow that’s a long time. Just one problem, I don’t have a memory card since I’m playing it on my Wii. That means if I die. It’s back to the beginning. :O
Thanks mr K I’ve been waiting for this. hope you guys like the game.
Looking interesting. Unfortunately I can’t give it a go.
I noticed Adventures is getting a lot more positive attention lately. I hope this means we will get an official second Adventures.
1. as nice as he making a 2nd star fox adventures game, it think is best he just use a xinput device, like a xbox 360/one controller (wire or wireless with a adapter) or any xinput controller.
2. he’s reusing the official models for non-playable characters and bosses, nintendo would have c&d if they find out, but me, i rather fight a new boss then re-fighting the old ones.
I tried to get the rocket staff upgrade but, instead I fell into limbo and everything blacked out and the music started to slow down. This is creepypasta material, it gave me some chills!!!
BTW, Is definitely improved since last time, and I hope you keep developing it NjFox.
you can use Xbox controls you know but the mouse is still needed.
This game is strickty krystal archive only so long as no one else knows about it we’ll be fine. and if nintendo finds out I’ll whip my google drive clean and denie its existence.
I’ll add more bosses later red eye king and salvadora core but I bet you never had krazoa spirit as a boss before.
lastly only krystals an official model every over model was custome made do they realy look offical?
Jimaki@ I thought I fixed that glitch I even put in a fail safe that teleports you back up if you fall throw the magic cave. try it again it only happons on acasion no idea why.
I don’t know if Nintendo is ok with tis.
@N J Fox- yea, kind of, it seem like they where ripped from the gamecube iso and where fixed up. xbox controllers works? i guess i’ll to use my mayflash wii u (pro) controller adapter and wii u pro controller to test it out someday.
Niffoks@ So long as we’re the only ones playing it and not making money off it we’ll be fine.
Just to be on the safe side just keep it between us.
I don’t think it would happen unless Nintendo can help it out. But it’s nice to see Krystal as a brave tribal princess warrior!
@N J Fox Well, Nintendo can ever complain about models that are used in this game. You should use custom models.