TechKnow’s Krystal Mod for Counter Strike Source

A bit old, but if you like Counter Strike: Source, and you want some Star Fox mods, TechKnow's Star Fox Mod on Gamebanana should do the trick. It includes Brawl Leon, Brawl Wolf, Melee Fox, Assault Falco, Assault Fox, and a modified low-poly CharleyFox Adventures Krystal (the same basic model originally made available in Unreal Tournament 2k4).
Well atleast its a better use for krystal than in fall out.
don’t ask.
Krystal with an Uzi. Never see that coming. I want to see the Russian players using it.
Although the idea is cool, the CharleyFox model is on the uncanny valley imo.
Also, which counter strike is your favorite?
Mine is 1.6 (untill I buy CS: GO).
i can’t picture adventure krystal with guns, but the assault one will do.
I agree with Jimaki. Why the CharleyFox model? The uncanny valley is way too much.
The only real good Krystal models are the GreyFireFox (now known as CakeInferno) model and the SchattenKitsune666 model, in my opinion. Both are incredibly well-detailed and highly resemble the Krystal models found in the official games (although SK666’s model is not on par with CI’s model yet, but very well could be someday), and would make more sense to include in fanmade mods for various other games.
No offense to CharleyFox or LittleDragon (who also uses CharleyFox’s model), but their rig is amateurish compared to GFF/CI’s and SK666’s models, even though GFF/CI and SK666 are both amateurs themselves.
I hope to see more of GFF/CI’s and SK666’s models be used for manmade works in the future, such as game mods, animations, and comics. Given the effort they put into their rigs, they clearly deserve it.
Remember that this is the LOW-POLY version of CharleyFox’s original rig. Not only is it low enough poly to be suitable for these old games, but it is also already rigged in a format that is suitable for these games. Any other model they might use would have to be re-rigged, to say nothing of the difficulty of using something like GFF’s rig in Counter Strike. That mesh is too high poly for most, if not all real time game engines today.