Official Super Nintendo Book “Super Power” Mentioned Krystal and Me

The SNES Classic came out a while ago, along with Prima's "Playing with Super Power" book. It's chock-full of Nintendo development documents, game info, trivia, fanart, and other fan activity features. Definitely worth a read. I didn't realize until weeks later that I had been mentioned in the book! Right there on page 309, under the section. Probably the only time Mr. Krystal has (or will?) be mentioned in a book:
Although it existed in some form since 2004, StarFox-Online was given new life in 2006 by two community members, "DZComposer" and "Mr. Krystal". "StarFox-Online was intended as a place to aggregate information about the Star Fox series, and as somewhere where fans could share art and stories as well as participate in discussion and roleplay involving the Star Fox universe," explained site administrator "Sawtooth".
The book researchers are right on about the history of the site. Some of my interactions there led me to decide to create the Krystal Archive, since I had a lot of Krystal-specific knowledge and no good place to put it all. The original owner had disappeared prior to my joining the site in 2005 as a very active member. Then, in 2006, the site went down. The original owner had let things expire and we were unable to contact him. I volunteered to take up the mantle, and DZComposer asked to be a partner. Together, we built the site up to the beginnings of what it is today. I was largely in charge of site content and news, while DZComposer largely ran the forums. I worked on the site until 2010, a few months after the above screenshot was taken. Sadly, some disagreements about how the site should be run led me to voluntarily step down from an admin position. But, as you guys know, I didn't stop. The Star Fox news I might have otherwise posted there came here, to the Krystal Archive. I have even grander plans for Star Fox in the future, as well.
Plus, they showed a screenshot of my Starfox-Online theme, the height of internet technology at the time. :)
Meanwhile, it's not just me that was featured in the book. Our beloved blue vixen was mentioned too!
The four pilots from the original Star Fox make up the main characters of all Star Fox games with one exception: following the events of Star Fox Adventures, that game's co-protagonist, Krystal, joins the Star Fox crew in Peppy's place.
Page 130
Star Fox Adventures is also particularly notable for the first appearance of Krystal, Fox's romantic interest and eventual mainstay of the franchise.
Page 136, paragraph 8
Developed by Namco, Star Fox: Assault follows the events of Star Fox Adventures, with Krystal replacing Peppy Hare as the fourth member of Star Fox. Gameplay built upon Star Fox 64's mechanics, while adding on-foot single-player sequences and expanded multiplayer.
Page 136, paragraph 9
This might be old news to a lot of you, but I wanted to publish about this to make sure it's archived. Prima's "Playing with Super Power" book is for sale as a hardback for $27, softcover for $15, or eGuide for $10 (which is where I obtained the screens and text). The eGuide comes free with the purchase of a physical version.
well congratulations.
Please do not make Krystal rejoin Star Fox. I want her to stay safe, and start her own series.
This is pretty big actually. It’s yet another bit of proof that Nintendo is not getting rid of her. They also confirm that she is indeed a main character of the series, which some people still refuse to believe for some reason.
@John Gillin
Nah, the SF team needs back its telepath. Very useful and irreplaceable role. I’d love to see a spin-off game with Krystal as the main protagonist, though. Krystal getting her own series is highly unlikely anyway…
Don’t listen to what Mr. Brownstone is saying. He’s thinking that Krystal would ruin the Star Fox franchise. IGN mentioned that over 6 years ago.
@John Gillin
Let me get this straight: YOU said that Nintendo should not let Krystal rejoin SF, I said SF needs Krystal, yet I’m the one who thinks Krystal would ruin the franchise? In fact, I think the franchise can only benefit from a Krystal comeback. Also, who cares what IGN said 6 years ago? After the poor sales of SF Zero, it all backfired at those Krystal-haters as they couldn’t blame it on her this time. A lot of the people who really think that Krystal “ruined” the franchise have gone silent ever since. I’m the last person who thinks that Krystal ruined anything, believe me. A character can not ruin a franchise, a broken/divided fanbase can though, and that’s the actual problem with the SF series.
@ Mr. Brownstone
I agree with everything you said there. It’s just a shame that with the Starfox fanbase being divided, this is the same situation that the Sonic fanbase happens to have. I personally think that Krystal didn’t ruin the franchise at all and like the way you think, I believe that she’s a welcome addition to the series and with the official release of Starfox 2 on the SNES Classic, it’ll be the same for Miyu and Fay so that they can be included in future Starfox entries along with Krystal. What do you think?
@Mr. Brownstone
If you want Krystal to appear in another Starfox game, that’s fine with me!
I think Krystal was a welcomed addition to the StarFox games and team. It felt like a natural progression of time within the series, because it shows something not too often seen, character aging. It showed Peppy getting up there in years and no longer able to pilot properly. A natural replacement for him was Krystal. I personally would like see that continuity progress to a point where the StarFox team still exists but none of the team we know are still there. I love the current team, but one day Fox and Krystal just won’t be up to it anymore, for whatever reason.