Star Fox Adventures Comic Mission 2 Started

AbbyStabby (Abby Davis) has completed both the Prologue and Chapter One of her Star Fox Adventures comic. So far, it's revealed a bit more about how Krystal came to be on Sauria and what she was doing up until the time Fox McCloud arrived. Chapter Two begins with Krystal and her CloudRunner ride crash landing at Krazoa Palace. I imagine this chapter will be very interesting to us Krystal fans!
As I mentioned before, Abby is looking for patrons to fund the comic. You can donate a certain amount each month via Patreon to get early access and other goodies. Check out her Patreon page.
its not accuret to the game but the story was interesting the inclution of andross in that last page gave me chills. andross is clossing the trap lets see what happons.
Please don’t let Krystal be a helpless damsel in distress in this version. I’m begging you, Abbey!
@Jacob Listerud
I’m totally with you on this. If you are looking for a comic that features Krystal throughout the entire adventure, you should check this one out:
[Link Removed – Sorry, that comic is too mature to link here. ~Mr. Krystal]
The artist has already confirmed that Fox and Krystal will work together and that she is not captured in this version. Warning: Blood/Gore