Dinosaur Planet Krystal Cosplay by Dreamarts302

Another cosplayer named Dreamarts302 has created a Krystal cosplay modeled around the Dinosaur Planet version of Krystal. The cosplay debut was at Kami Con, an anime convention in Birmingham, Alabama taking place in February 2024.
According to her, Krystal has been a favorite character of hers since she was a kid when she played Star Fox Adventures at age 5. She had always wanted to dress up like her. Her mother assisted her with the ears, tail, and dress. Dreamarts302 did the makeup herself. Not counting her face, her body was covered in a blue suit to mimic Krystal's coloration. The cosplay features a glowing staff that's quite unlike any Krystal staff I've seen before. It may have been a staff originally designed for a different character. Any ideas?
More recently, she posted a winter photoshoot with a nice fur-based shawl to go on top of the dress. There's also a video of her running through the snowy forest.
Here's all the photos she posted:
- Tons of photos from all over the con
- Meeting Ryan Drummond (Sonic voice actor) and other photos
- Suit-up shots, photos at the con, and a video of her holding a massive gun
- Winter photoshoot
As an artist, Dreamarts302 has done many drawings, including several of Krystal. Dreamarts also drew a Dinosaur Planet Krystal fanart which she sells as a sticker on her Mercari store.
Always happy to see the love for Krystal manifest as creative costumes. Good job Dreamarts!
Thank you so much for liking my cosplay and having me on this website! I love to do more Krystal cosplay in the future. The staff is an Avatar staff from Disney World I went to last year(June 2024) XD. The staff is accurate to Dinosaur Planet Krystal. I thank my mother for helping me with the ears, tail, and dress. I did the makeup for all my cosplays including Krystal. I forever love Star Fox and Krystal(and Dinosaur Planet). Thank you so much, KA.
The winter outfit is very cool. I also think the fan art looks very cheeky – which is great.