Star Fox Assault is 10 Years Old Today

Ten years ago today, Star Fox Assault was released for the GameCube in America (February 14, 2005). Ten days after that, it would be released in Japan (February 24, 2005). The rest of the world followed in April 2005. Released almost two and a half years after Star Fox Adventures, the game represented a return to earlier Star Fox game mechanics. Fox returned to his Arwing and Landmaster, with some levels being on foot. However, the game focused exclusively on shooting mechanics unlike Star Fox Adventure's action-RPG style exploration, item-collecting, and melee combat mechanics. The game would be Krystal's second outing in a Star Fox game.
Character-wise, Peppy retired officially from his Arwing piloting days to take on a more advisory role in his old age. Slippy retained his mechanical ability, and we got to see his predecessor, Beltino Toad, for the first time. Falco had rejoined the team as Fox's wingman as if his long absence prior to Star Fox Adventures had never happened. Krystal had joined the Star Fox team and shown herself a quick study when it came to piloting and modern combat tactics. Her expertise with extrasensory perception gave the team advanced warning of danger on multiple occasions. Finally, Star Fox Assault would mark the first time that Andross was not in a Star Fox game. The Aparoids, a hive-mind controlled species of bio-mechanical insects took the stage as the villain.
During this game, we saw Fox and Krystal's developing relationship, such as it was, with much romantic banter between them. This would later allow the strange relationship troubles discussed in the opening of Star Fox Command.
Graphically, Star Fox Assault, felt sharp and modern thanks to a distinct visual style that emphasized the futuristic nature of the vehicles and locations. In spite of this, the game was graphically inferior to Star Fox Adventures on many counts. Mechanically, the game played well, but was less polished than earlier Star Fox games. The audio, however, was quite good, some scores being done orchestrally. Star Fox Assault was a collaboration between Nintendo, who published the game, and Namco, who developed it.
I like star fox assault, but usually enjoy the on ground mission. Rare LTD. did Star Fox Adventures and give Krystal to Nintendo in which I think is a good-bye present before Rare was ruin by mirco$oft.
happy birthday, my favorite gamecube game ever.
And also happy valentines, you fans of Krystal
I think out of all the Star Fox games, Assault was my favorite. Adventures was second, 64/3D was third, and Command was fourth. Sadly, I have not played the original Star Fox game on SNES, so I cannot rank that yet. ;P
If they could just take the best parts of Assault, and improve on it with a brand new story, I would love that. Fox+Slippy+Falco+Krystal makes a great team, with Peppy and ROB in the ship.
the first and lasting impressions of this game will last me a life time, in this life and hopefully the next. happy birth day assault.
this is my favorite Starfox game. Loved the on foot sections. Sad to see it wasnt as well accepted as I hoped.