Nintendo @ E3 2017

It's that time of year again, Nintendo fans! Nintendo will be doing its E3 presentation and livestreams in just 14 days! Nintendo has announced the time of their initial presentation: June 13th at 9AM pacific (12PM eastern). We already know from Nintendo's announcements that the new Super Mario Odyssey, a sandbox 3D Mario game, will be the main focus. There will also be international competitions for both Splatoon 2 and ARMS. Of course, after the initial presentation, there will be dozens of hours of streaming coverage of all games announced or playable throughout the rest of the week.
What about rumors?
- I think it's pretty much given that Nintendo will officially release the awaited Summer DLC for Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
- The long-anticipated Smash 4 port for Nintendo Switch is rumored to be announced at the show.
- The worst-kept secret game in Nintendo's recent memory, Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, might also see a reveal this year.
- The third version of the current-gen Pokémon game (to go with Pokémon Sun and Moon) has been rumored to be a Switch version since before the Switch was released. Perhaps we will see that.
- Retro Studios has been quiet. They have been working on something, but what? Some rumors say it's a new Metroid. Others say it's a brand new IP. Maybe it's both?
- Whether it's Retro Studios or not, many fans are chomping at the bit for a new Metroid staring Samus Aran. Nintendo will probably say something about the series.
- What about Star Fox? Well, I think 2018 is realistically the earliest we could see anything, but who knows? Perhaps Nintendo will use what they learned with Star Fox Zero to quickly turn around a new game (or a port it with a very different control scheme). Consider that Majora's Mask was built in only one year.
As always, I plan to be on chat with you guys the entire week as we watch the coverage of not just Nintendo, but the whole of the gaming industry. The one wrinkle is that I will be on a business trip during E3 week, so I might not be able to spend all that much time in chat. I should still be able to see the Nintendo presentation live, however.
Streams and information will be found on Nintendo's E3 page leading up to and during the event. I will make announcements about chat later. For now, I've added an event listing to the top of the navigation bar on the left.
Once E3 gets closer I will definitely be hyped up. Way too many leaks happening though. Ruins the fun.
A few more games we might or should see at E3 are Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Fire Emblem, Project Octopath, Dragon Quest, Tales of and Story of Seasons. We should get a few more games as well as ports from other consoles.
Since you mentioned Pokemon… A bit ago the company that develops the games were looking for people to work on a 3DS RPG. I suspect we will get a few more RPG shown or announced at E3 for Nintendo consoles.
At the least if there is Smash Bros for the Switch we should get something Star Fox related with that. Might not be anything new but it will be something. At the most they might announce a port or remake. There was a rumour about a GameCube Virtual Console for the Switch.
As a Star Fox fan I dearly hope for 1 of 2 things to be announced.
1) Considering they a practically just re telling the Star Fox story (aspects being identical to the original canon), I want to see Star Fox: Adventures “re-imagining” with far better story telling than the original Adventures (you can’t deny the dialogue was corny and the story was horrendously rushed) and game play much more attune to Legend of Zelda (not BoTW, though). However considering RPG’s take time I have this as a hope for a miracle.
2) Star Fox 1 (or 2, whatever these guys are gonna try to call it after making the first game named 0…) with 64/Assault style gameplay. I’m talking classic on-rail (none of this motion junk, it was cool at first but got dumb really quickly) shooting, All-Range sections like 64, Landmaster segments like Assault, and better created on-foot sections.
That’s just my ridiculously high hopes though…
Krystal has not been around since Star Fox: Command. I wonder if Nintendo killed her off.
Please do yourself a favor and don’t reply to this guy J.T. Gillin.
I’ve already warned him about this kind of comments and yet he/she insists in posting this nonsense.
This person is a troller. Just ignore him/her
It’s sounds like if you want from us to grab some pitchforks and torches and hunt him/her down.
Seriously dude, chill out!!!
I pretty much started to ignore him/her when he/she constantly asked to see Krystal/Ayano with a freaking bikini…
I think starfox is a stretch but it can’t hurt to dream I’m excited for the announcment of the next metroid. and that smash rumor is so fake.
hopefully it be good.
I’ve noticed a few announcements appearing for new games. I wonder if it was done to avoid potential leaks or maybe cut costs….
I know this is unrelated but Crayola are looking for a name for their new blue. We should try to get it called Krystal.
Me, I’m hoping an actual Star Fox sequel related news since it’s been over 10 years since an actual continuation of the story. If Nintendo is not going to pick up the story where it’s left off from Assault than they might as well do Anniversary titles for Adventures (with a bunch of tweets like the story and gameplay) and Assault (some tweets), mainly with the graphics to make it more up to date (don’t get me wrong, the graphics and visuals are great for 2002 and 2005 standards).
Also, @ J.T. Gillin, Krystal has been in the past 2 Smash Bros games. Have you not notice that? It’s a sign she’s still in the franchise, not thrown away.
I am chilled out. I gave my warning. J.T. Gillin didn’t listen. I have nothing further to say to that person anymore. I’ve done my part and that ends the matter.
On a different topic. How’s life anyway.
Can’t say I expect any thing Star Fox from this, but I hope we can see something soon. It might just be Splatoon2 (Splat2n), ARMS, and Mario, which all look like fun games. One thing that I want to see happen (unlikely) Krystal getting a Star Fox spinoff prequel game to adventures called Cerinia Chronicles. (VERY-VERY SUPER-DUPER UNLIKELY) P.S. I created my FIRST Star Fox Original Characters! Ace O’Donnell, and Roger (No last name yet) I might post some picks to my GAB if you want to see them.
Ace and Roger? Are you, by any chance, a One Piece fan? ;)
@ Mr. Brownstone
No, I don’t think I heard of that. Ace is short for Alace, my version of Wolf’s Wife and Mother to Kate. Roger it an old dog and shop owner and friend of Kursed/Krystal who supplies her with her weapons. Roger was inspired by a fan-fic I read once but can’t remember.
Glad you asked. Well things are going great, not a lot of things have changed since our last conversation. Can’t wait for summer though!!!
And the first thing I’m gonna do is watch the E3 stream (after figuring out the time zones yet again, isn’t to much to ask for UTC/GMT hour format of the events).
Click the link in the post with the time. It lets you see your relative timezone:,240,cn3
@ Mr. Brownstone
Got a picture of Ace up!
Some thing I’ve been wanting to talk about recently… How to fix Star Fox Zero without removing motion controls or game pad functions? All are welcomed to share opinions.
Nice! I wish I could draw like that. Keep it up! In case you’re interested, this is the Ace I had in mind:
As far as SF Zero goes, I had the idea of adding a cut scene at the end showing Andross’ spirit fleeing from Lylat being like: ‘This is not the end. I heard of a planet called Cerinia…’. That would kind of hint at his plan to revive himself later in SFA. I think he didn’t destroy Cerinia intentionally (if it really was him that is). Here’s my theory: He tried to revive himself there at first but something went wrong and the planet blew up. Knowing Andross, he already had a plan B in advance: Using the Krazoa on Sauria but also risking to go back to Lylat. In order to do that, though, he needed at least one of the Cerinians to channel the Krazoa’s powers. He had to make sure that if Cerinia indeed blows up, one of them will survive. As soon as he noticed Cerinia could not be saved anymore, he somehow tempted Krystal away from the planet. He returned to Lylat and used Scales to get inside Krazoa Palace causing enough chaos to get the EarthWalkers to send out the distress signal. Andross knew Krystal would (after discovering that her planet was indeed gone) receive it and come to Sauria eventually, so he could trap her. I mean, everything seemed so pre-planned, as if he knew of her powers and that she was coming there. The whole gadgetry holding her prison in place was already there, ready to go. Krystal probably could not sense him since he was a spirit without an actual brain sending out patterns. However, she could somehow ‘see’ him while Fox and Scales couldn’t in the final Krazoa Shrine. Maybe this is how Andross got the trust of the Cerinians to use their resources/technology as they were not able to sense his true intentions. After Andross’ defeat in SFA Krystal had no interest to find answers anymore. Everything seemed to make sense but then she says good things about him in Command. To make a long story short: We need to find out what happened to Cerinia and if there is really a connection between the planet and Andross.
Wow, that was a long one. I know this theory is crazy and I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this.
@ Mr. Brownstone
That was kinda long, but I did read it word for word. Good story there on a MUCH BEATER ending to S.F.Z. I think honestly of the same thing whet I think of Cerinia. The reason Andross wanted her of all Cerinians was her ability to channel the power that he needed. The reasons you mentioned for Adventures all make sense to why the machine was there, and why Krystal “Solved” her mystery of her planet’s destruction. Command makes NO sense at all, and out of character. Or Andross and Cerinia had a more complex relationship that might make Krystal not see him as a 100% bad guy, but in many ways hate him, but standup for him to? This is weird…
@ Me
“What” not “Whet” dog-gone it!
Maybe Andross fooled the Cerinians by making him look like a poor guy to win their trust. He knew they wouldn’t be able to use their powers on him since he was a spirit without a physical brain. However, after the events of SFA Krystal should have been convinced that he is not a good guy. Sauria means a lot to her after all. She is saying that numerous times in Assault. Andross was willing to sacrifice Sauria as long as his revival would be successfull. I also think that Fox told her about everything Andross had done in the past. By the time of Command she should definitely know it.
In terms of story and characterisation, I think the interesting stuff actually happened between the games. I’d love to see what happened between SFA and Assault. I’m sure one of the first things they asked Krystal was: ‘Where are you from?’ So, the team probably knows her basic story, but WE don’t.
Another thing I forgot in my theory is Andross hiding behind the column. As I said before, Krystal was somehow able to see him as soon as she turned around. She could not sense his presence/intentions though. Otherwise she wouldn’t have acted so carelessly. Andross knew that she can see him. That’s why he was hiding there. In the final Krazoa Shrine he had no problem to float in the open since he knew that Fox and Scales wouldn’t be able to see him.
I agree, there could have been something even more complex going on. There are so many unanswered questions. That’s why I think that Cerinia would make such a GREAT story. I hope Nintendo will not just throw that away. Well, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…
A question regarding SF Zero: Has it been confirmed to be a reboot? If so, does it also ‘erase’ the ‘Farewell, beloved Falco’ comic? In the comic, which takes place 4 years after the Lylat Wars and 4 years prior to SFA, Andross is revived by Shears using science, not magic. He is ‘killed’ again though. So, my idea of adding the cut scene at the end of Zero doesn’t make much sense, unless the comic is no longer canon. If it remains, the whole spirit thing must have happened after that incident and not right after the events of Zero.
Officially Zero is a re-imagining. Beginning and ending of the game is more or less the exact same as N64 game. So at the moment nothing time-line wise changes. Whether that remains to be the case or not will depend on the next game. But if you go with your own fan creation it is up to you which direction you want to go in. Personally with Zero I would tie it in better with Adventures and the comic. Some random hints during gameplay or bonus cut-scene at end of game. Although I probably wouldn’t keep much of Zero the same if I were to remake it. If we keep the controls roughly the same I would sort out that third person camera. Which means would also have to redo most of the level layouts and bosses because you no longer have that different view.
I like to view magic in the Star Fox series like that it is just technology or science they don’t understand. Could easily replace a lot of the “magic” type words in Adventures for stuff like alien technology and similar words. It wouldn’t change anything but would give impression it has.
@ Mr. Brownstone
That might be it, with what you said about Andross possessing statues, he might of got the Cerinians to think he’s some “Powerful Being” or some thing and that he needed to be revived. Krystal might of sensed his presence and saw him in spirit form at close range, but not his thoughts unknown. I wouldn’t be surprised if Krystal saw Andross as the ultimate symbol of evil. Krystal would probably know of all of what Andross did, I’m trying to do a commic of
@ Mr. Brownstone
That might be it, with what you said about Andross possessing statues, he might of got the Cerinians to think he’s some “Powerful Being” or some thing and that he needed to be revived. Krystal might of sensed his presence and saw him in spirit form at close range, but not his thoughts unknown. I wouldn’t be surprised if Krystal saw Andross as the ultimate symbol of evil. Krystal would probably know of all of what Andross did, at least by Command. (I’m trying to do a comic of Fox telling Krystal the story of his mother.)
There’s LOTS of stuff that could happen between Star Fox Adventures and Assault, it’s one of the most popular times to set Krystal based fan-fictions, some are linked of this site. Nothing has been ruled out other than: Krystal joining Star Fox, Panther joining Star Wolf, (maybe Wolf being 5 years older than Fox,) Pigma forced to go solo, the Great Fox getting rebuilt, Krystal maybe developing a “Different” scene of fashion, and getting used to Cornerian society. I wish we could get a more story based Star Fox game, but… “Game play comes FIRST. story is good, but NOT first.”-Shigeru Miyamoto. Good quote that I mildly agree with, BUT MORE STORY PLEASE!!! STAR FOX ARE DYNAMIC CHARACTERS, THEY GO WITH ANY THING!!!
Cerinia has so much potential for a good game and story. (I’m thinking action R.P.G.) The complexity of that world could be infinite! Look at Event Horizon with one of the main bad guys being Falyf the Cerinian. Even Krystal’s father, Randorn was bad in a version of the story, James McCloud too! Working for the Cerinians!
I don’t know, They say it’s a “Re-imagining” of the first games. So who knows what it is? I don’t. (Other than a “We want S.F.64! EWU! It’s the ONLY gud game! EWU! Girls don’t belong in Sar Fax! EWU! GWAAAAAFIX!!!!!!”-Mat Pat, Bit Block, John Tron, ext. Or S.F.Z. was just a big disappointment) Farewell Beloved Falco is a tough case to crack… With Star Fox Zero going forward, I really don’t know what could happen. Maybe the same thing as the S.F.64 time line with some differences, but that’s up to Nintendo and who helps them make the next game.
I have this weird glitch that when I type up a comment, I accidentally post it before it’s done. sorry about that, Mr. Brownstone.
@ AngelFoxDreamer
Yeah, with how the time line works out, not much can change. If I could change S.F.Z. I would keep motion aiming, but all in third-person view with the camera chaining with the angle of pad. If you aim up, you would see the bottom of the Arwing. If you aim down, the top. And ext. with all angles. Rather than the Arwing transforming in to walkers, the team members will jump out of their cockpits with hover devices with controls almost like Splatoon. Then to go back to Arwing mode, they have remotes that can teleport the ship to them at any time. For Game Pad functions, it’s screen is the map, and there’s the option to command team mates to shoot/protect targets with touch.
To have magic in the Star Fox sires, I’d like something like Undying Nephalim’s Star Fox. Basically redesigning the art style and word to be a bit more like the half science fiction half fantasy world of FINAL FANTASY. The world will still be science fiction based, but magic and myth can still go along side without feeling out of place.
@ AngelFoxDreamer
Actually, Zero did rearrange the timeline slightly…
Before Star Fox arrived to Corneria they were coming back FROM Sauria after a crisis they helped solve (as noted in the animation). Whether this was the Krazoa crisis or something different isn’t known, however. My money, honestly, is that it WAS the Krazoa crisis they did before fighting Andross.
I think Sauria was simply mentioned as an easter-egg to remind us that it still exists. That still changes a few things though: The planet is already called Sauria plus they are already aware of the planet and have even been there for whatever reason.
You cannot just swap these two games/events within the timeline unless the ‘new’ Sauria crisis went down totally different, no Andross, for instance.
Also, in the animated short, Slippy never mentions a crisis they had to solve on Sauria. We don’t know why they have been there. It could have been a smaller mission or even a vacation. Either way, the Sauria crisis, as we know it, happening before the events of SF Zero wouldn’t make sense at all.