Welcome to 2018!

I've completed my week long break, and traveled back home after visiting family for Christmas. I hope you all had safe trips if you were traveling.
2017 was a fantastic year for the Krystal Archive! For the first time, the Krystal Archive began releasing regular posts, usually at least once per day, for weeks at a time. We also, FINALLY, got to play Star Fox 2 officially for the first time with the announcement and release of the SNES Classic. The Krystal Archive now has an active Discord server where I talk with you guys every day and we collaborate on projects. And there was so much more!
Now, 2018 is upon us! The things that were accomplished in 2017 will only expand in the coming year. I have quite a few plans. Some big, some small, which I will talk about a bit in the next podcast which I plan to release on the Krystal Archive's 12th anniversary on January 8th (next Monday).
Thank you all for a great year. I hope you and I both can create great resolutions for the new year, and then accomplish them.
Hopefully 2018 turns out to be a great year for all of us. Besides this year also marks the 25th anniversary of the Starfox series considering the franchise started back in 1993.
Happy 25 starfox hey guys I got a new head set with mic today so I can start recording voices for games.
Also I wana upgrade starfox adventures 2 with a mini map function now I know how to make one.
My next video will feature my voice.