With the flu. I'll resume posting when I can.
Real life work situation has sapped my time and energy. Not an excuse, just an explanation.
Travel and work have prevented me from posting the remaining things, but I WILL get to them! Also, a warning about scams.
I can't believe I missed the 16 year anniversary of the Krystal Archive.
20 custom Krystal emotes, how to get an invite, and where site commenting will go in the future.
Real life hit me pretty hard. Site updates will probably continue to be sparse for the next couple months.
Taking a small step back to organize and prepare for projects that impact the site and its various projects. Sorry for delays.
Site updates shall resume. My advice is this: find ways to use the free-time or changing circumstances of this difficult time to improve yourself and others.
Real life takes priority. That's why you're getting a whole week's worth of posts in one day.
Wishing you and yours a very happy Christmas. Posts will continue throughout the end of the year, no break for me!