An alternate path for the seventh level in the Saurian Campaign, it's a wild fight above CloudRunner Fortress.
How can one man be so intimidating and formal at the same time? Check out the cinematic from UndyingNephalim's project.
UndyingNephalim has released a complete run of the level, from the initial charge to the boss fight.
The video is a chaotic assault charge of EarthWalkers, including Tricky ridden by Fox and Krystal. UndyingNephalim says this is the best level so far!
FoxDaddy and UndyingNephalim will be talking about the game's progress, game dev, and Star Fox.
And a lot of us were there from the very beginning. Check out some content from UndyingNephalim and Jacob.
Join the voice actress of Krystal, Estelle Ellis, and the developer of Star Fox Event Horizon, UndyingNephalim, for a casual video chat mid-day on May 21st.
Two more videos from UndyingNephalim, showing Fox and Krystal riding some dinosaurs while fighting hordes of enemies.
UndyingNephalim shows off full voice acting in his latest trailer. That Slippy voice is not what I expected!
Jock Blaney reprises his Star Fox 64 roles in the fangame by UndyingNephalim. Check out some clips!