Recent Dinosaur Planet Krystal Cosplayer Found!

A couple weeks back, I posted about a Dinosaur Planet Krystal cosplayer I recently became aware of. I had very little information about the cosplayer and only one photo I could post.
A couple days ago, the cosplayer herself contacted me. She was gracious enough to answer my questions and provide additional photos. Without further ado, here is all the information and photos I have.
Meet the Cosplayers
The Krystal cosplayer doesn't have much of an online presence. She once used the handle GreyscaleDragon (the account that originally posted the first photos), but now she goes by Soil-licker. She has a Tumblr blog, but she doesn't really post cosplay there. She's a self-described shy person.
Soil-licker has been cosplaying since the age of 14, after her brother introduced her to the hobby. She has loved Star Fox Adventures since she was little, as it was one of the first GameCube games she had. She became obsessed with the Dinosaur Planet beta footage around 2018, hoping to one day try the game. In 2021, when the preview build of Dinosaur Planet leaked which occupied all of her time for a while. The leak, and Yume Aislinn's Dinosaur Planet Krystal cosplay inspired Soil-licker to finally make this Krystal cosplay.
Soil-licker has previously cosplayed as:
- Jet the Hawk from Sonic Riders
- Shiny Decidueye from Pokémon
- Whisper the Wolf from the Sonic IDW comics
Soil-licker plans to keep this Krystal cosplay around for a long time. Perhaps we'll see new photos in the future!
Her twin sister sister, who goes by apocalispwins online, was the cosplayer of Dinosaur Planet Fox McCloud who appears in some of the photos. She wanted to do Fox McCloud instead of Sabre because she really liked the model. I believe she only made an appearance as Fox one time, at Youmacon 2022.
The Con Experience
The two cons we knew about, Youmacon 2022 and Isshocon 2025 were the only cons where she has cosplayed as Krystal. Soil-licker never expected anyone to recognize her character, as this was just a "for me" cosplay, according to her. The fact that people did recognize her made the experience a blast for her. She is proud of the cosplay and how turned out.
She did not enter any contests at either con. Mostly, she prefers to wander about and sightsee at cons.
Cosplay Creation
The outfit was made as a romper style dress, sewn by apocalispwins. The books were normal boots with some fabric modification. The arm ring and bracer were made with EVA foam. The wig was made by Arda Wigs. The ears and tail were made by Pawstar, with some slight modifications to the ears to make them more accurate to Krystal. The necklace is a brown ribbon with a gem found on Etsy.
The downside is that it's not very warm. The only cons she has been to while wearing it were during winter months, so she got cold. Other than that, the suit is comfortable.
The staff is a spray-painted PVC pipe. It's her favorite part of the cosplay, in spite of its simplicity.
Soil-licker enjoyed creating the cosplay, with most of the work being completed in a single day. She lost part of the costume, the bracer, at Isshocon 2025. She's going to make another one.
As for apocalispwins' Fox McCloud cosplay, most of it was made from thrift store clothing altered to match Fox's look in Dinosaur Planet. The sword was made by her husband out of PVC pipe and EVA foam.
Thanks for the great info and photos, Soil-licker! Keep up the good work!
Big thanks to Krystal Archive for featuring me! Krystal means so much to me and im happy that my cosplay is bringing joy to others!
If anyone sees me at a con, feel free to come say hi!