How can one man be so intimidating and formal at the same time? Check out the cinematic from UndyingNephalim's project.
Star Fox Adventures, but with a much deeper story, tag-team Fox and Krystal gameplay, and Unreal Engine.
Kyte and Krystal in HD! Jo Lumaya creates a new cutscene from voice data.
Code modifications and hacking has unearthed some animation data and scenes that are playable in the Adventures engine.
Krystal almost gets some payback before the fight is suddenly stopped in this modded cutscene by BvqR zxi5.
Krystal confronts General Scales in this cutscene mod by BvqR zxi5.
Another Fox to Krystal video from BvqR zxi5.
Krystal takes over the Great Fox and commands the team. Wouldn't that be nice. Video by BvqR zxi5.
Krystal faces off against a T-Rex boss, and wins. Another code demonstration from BvqR zxi5.
The animation and camera data for a Dinosaur Planet cutscene can be accessed in Star Fox Adventures! Video by BvqR zxi5.