A Star Fox Adventures locale for your fighting pleasure. Now we just need a Krystal and General Scales mod...
SNES lo-fi instrument recreation of this Star Fox Adventures tune.
Mabel Shen shows off his stylistic re-imagining of a much higher quality version of the Star Fox Adventures location.
With perfect execution that a TAS provides, this run saves over 14 minutes off the world record by a human player.
Krystal almost gets some payback before the fight is suddenly stopped in this modded cutscene by BvqR zxi5.
Krystal confronts General Scales in this cutscene mod by BvqR zxi5.
Another Fox to Krystal video from BvqR zxi5.
Krystal takes over the Great Fox and commands the team. Wouldn't that be nice. Video by BvqR zxi5.
A long-lost artifact I only recently discovered provides additional confirmation of Krystal's backstory.
BvqR zxi5 comes through with some amazing high resolution video and codes for getting Krystal into different parts of the game.