In a totally unexpected, but possibly amazing move, Ubisoft managed to put a playable Fox McCloud and Arwings in their upcoming space shooter/exploration game.
A new Smash Bros for Switch will be shown off and used in a tournament, plus lots of new game reveals and footage on Tuesday. Can't wait!
UndyingNephalim is seeking opinions about how he should continue development on his Star Fox projects. Let your voice be heard.
More than one independent sources apparently claim it's true, and they're starting to win me over.
Details of attractions, including a large virtual reality presence, were announced for Nintendo's collaboration with Universal Studios on new theme parks.
A great sorrow falls over the land. The legendary forum for Krystal fans that ran for over 15 years, is closing its doors in a week.
The Star Fox team launches their ships into the fight above Fortuna. A new pre-rendered cutscene enhanced to 4K resolution.
The amazing musicians over at are well on their way to a comprehensive Star Fox album, a first for this series.
The first polygonal game by Nintendo was released on this day 25 years ago. Well done, Fox! Here's to an even brighter future for the series!