Two fleets, hundreds of ships, dueling in the outer reaches of Venom's air defense zone. Check out the latest video from UndyingNephalim's Star Fox fangame.
Playing catchup with the tons of footage UndyingNephalim released. Also, Event Horizon now has its own Patreon account with lots of exclusives relating to Krystal.
The voice of Krystal in Star Fox Adventures, Estelle Ellis, will be talking with UndyingNephalim of #StarFoxEventHorizon fame. Should be fun! Sud'k nuak!
Another fan game role for the original Krystal voice actress is being developed now.
In the last few months, UndyingNephalim's fangame has been getting menu and UI polish.
UndyingNephalim forces the old engine to do unconventional stuff in his slow journey to the completion of this massive fan game.
UndyingNephalim has been hard at work on the game's menu system and in-combat dialog boxes. Check out the first level video to see more.
Check out two new(ish) videos from UndyingNephalim - A battle for Sauria mission, and every talking portrait in the fangame.
UndyingNephalim is seeking opinions about how he should continue development on his Star Fox projects. Let your voice be heard.
Added a page for Star Fox: Event Horizon and reduced overall site storage by over 4GB.