UndyingNephalim shows off full voice acting in his latest trailer. That Slippy voice is not what I expected!
This fuel and chemical transport company has a logo that looks like Krystal's hip tattoo. Krystal can add "trucker" to her résumé.
Jock Blaney reprises his Star Fox 64 roles in the fangame by UndyingNephalim. Check out some clips!
You have a chance to choose what Krystal pose will become available as a tabletop figurine.
It's happening once again! We're sure to hear a lot about Tears of the Kingdom, and some other secrets tomorrow.
DidYouKnowGaming talked to former Retro Studios employee about his internally pitched skeleton of a Star Fox game idea: heavy multiplayer focus and a more mission-based open world game rebooting from Star Fox 64's lore.