One of the best I've seen, though stylistic, interpretations of Krystal in Second Life I've ever seen, by ReiTuki.
Play Super Krystal 64 with this mod by RetartedMimikyu64.
TerminalMontage is back with another animation featuring Speedrunning Mario vs Melee Fox. Krystal makes an appearance as well.
Star Fox 2 sometime soon maybe? Also, Smash DLC fighters will continue for a while longer. Godspeed, Mr. Sakurai!
The only Star Fox I think we might see is a final update on Starlink.
She will be making her first public appearance at A Video Game Con NJ on Saturday, September 7th.
The "Godwing" by Tylerort93 actually works in Starlink.
A nice, long form review about the game and the development leading up to the game's launch.
Preview the audio from this upcoming animation from TheIronGauntlet!
Downloads and instructions are available on the site to print your very own copy of this love letter to Krystal and Smash Bros.