Krystal Archive Files By Request!
While you're waiting for the site to get completely back online, I'll temporarily upload specific files by request. I've gone ahead and uploaded two of the more popular files. If you want any other files, leave a comment requesting what specific file you want and I'll try to get it online for you.
Updated with new requests:
- GTA San Andreas Star Fox Mod - Krystal + other characters
- GreyFireFox's Krystal Rig - Version 1.4
- Burmecian's Fallout 3 Mods - Krystal + other characters
- Assault Krystal Mesh - Krystal
- Brawl Star Fox Meshs - Krystal + other characters
- Sinaherib's WarCraft III- The Frozen Throne Krystal Mod
- Gadonstriom's Adventures Model
Mystery Assault Cosplayer
Saurian Translator and SFC: All the Words Back Online
The incident with the server deleted not only the Krystal Archive proper, but also the sub-sites. Namely, the Saurian Translator and Star Fox Command: All the Words. Both sites have been reuploaded, good as new. I also added them as links in the sidebar.
Coming soon... another couple of project sites related to the Krystal Archive...
Some High Res Krystal Screenshots For You
Fire Yoshi sent me some high resolution screenshots he took a week or two ago. These will be going into the screenshots section eventually. Meanwhile, enjoy the high res Krystal goodness! A few of these shots were taken immediately after Krystal was sealed in the crystal, but with the camera zoomed in and rotated so we can see details.
Test Live Design
I've done a quick pass at making the site mobile-compatible (try resizing the window to really small width). You can also see all the other changes as you resize and hover over things.
Design v1
Tested it on my iPhone 4, and it works well!
Playing with New Design
I'm working on a new theme for version 4 of the Krystal Archive. The new theme will focus on simplification of the visual style, the site design itself, and the content design so that people that other myself will be able to help maintain the Krystal Archive. Take a look, and tell me what you think. The image of Krystal was specially rendered for the Krystal Archive version 4 by Greyfirefox.
The first comments I've received on the above design called for a background image. The above image does have a subtle background in the form of noise (like the previous version 3.5 of the site). So far, commenters want a large, Krystal-centric background image, which is probably not going to happen due to the inherent limitations of such backgrounds (see comments), and the fact that this site expands and contracts its size based on the width of the browser window (and in the future, will adapt to mobile devices). I am not opposed to a more agressive, repeating, small background image though. Here's the site with some of the background imagery from the Saurian Translator. I think it works pretty well here, but tell me what you think.
IGN Readers Vote Star Fox “Most Wanted”
Predictably, everyone yearns for another spacefaring adventure with our favorite group of anthropomorphic animals: Star Fox! IGN held a poll for the Nintendo game series that most needed a revival. Star Fox beat out close second and third winners Earthbound and Metroid, respectively. F-Zero, Donkey Kong, and Ice Climbers followed them.
Let’s try that again…
The site's back. None of the content, all of the hope! Here at home, I'm limited right now. My computer is simply not powerful enough to deal with the huge task of rebuilding this site.
Fear not! I have ordered a new computer. It should be here in a week. In the meantime, I'm going to try and prepare for the huge change that the new capabilities will entail, and focus on giving you NEW news right now while you're waiting. You ready? Me too. Let's get to that. Right... now.
For those of you just joining us. Beginning in mid-March, the Krystal Archive was hacked by dubious interests in a foreign nation, along with millions of other blogs in a massive attack. I managed to get the site back in working order within a few days, though some content was lost. Then, in cleaning up the remainder of the infection, a mixup at the hosting company deleted all files and pages associated with the site, so I now begin again. I still have the backups, but this time, I'm going to focus on rebuilding, rather than maintaining.
KAP: Episode 29
Krystal Archive Podcast: Episode 29
KAP: Episode 28
Krystal Archive Podcast: Episode 28
KAP: Episode 27
Krystal Archive Podcast: Episode 27