During my unfortunate hiatus, Gagnetar and Estelle Ellis were hard at work on the Half Life 2 Krystal Mod V3. Here's a couple videos I hadn't yet posted.
Playing catchup with the tons of footage UndyingNephalim released. Also, Event Horizon now has its own Patreon account with lots of exclusives relating to Krystal.
September 23rd, marks 20 years since release. Show your appreciation for the game, and Star Fox, by telling your story and showing creations with the hashtag #StarFoxAdventures20th.
The voice of Krystal in Star Fox Adventures, Estelle Ellis, will be talking with UndyingNephalim of #StarFoxEventHorizon fame. Should be fun! Sud'k nuak!
Another fan game role for the original Krystal voice actress is being developed now.
She speaks directly to fans through a fully-voiced 3D animated Krystal. Go follow her account and say hello!
Never had so much immediate attention from the gaming community. This post should clear up some assumptions and questions people have.
The original voice actress of Krystal will reprise her role in this fan mod by Gagnetar that is in development.
All the grunts, groans, and breathing sounds of in-game SFX for Krystal. Merry Krystmas!
Neither Estelle Ellis, nor Alésia Glidewell were asked to voice Krystal this time. She's either a new voice actress or they used clips from previous games.