Star Fox Adventures, but with a much deeper story, tag-team Fox and Krystal gameplay, and Unreal Engine.
A Nintendo Power envelope art from about two months after Dinosaur Planet was first revealed. Where are you, Leah from Las Vegas, Nevada?
Rubiinikettu is an experienced cosplayer who learned a lot making her first fursuit-style cosplay, aiming for game-accuracy.
Another fan game role for the original Krystal voice actress is being developed now.
Commissioned by Coffee Woozel, it's a really detailed custom plush.
You can buy full print on Etsy in two different sizes for $7 and $15, respectively.
She turned a sketch into an epic version of Krystal for me. Master Psychic Krystal. Full size version available for download.
Kyte and Krystal in HD! Jo Lumaya creates a new cutscene from voice data.
Isiah got a Krystal tattoo in TerminalMontage's character style with a bunch of friends getting other tattoos in the same style.
She speaks directly to fans through a fully-voiced 3D animated Krystal. Go follow her account and say hello!