The "virtual console" now gets the legendary unreleased game. Now we just need re-releases of Star Fox Adventures and Assault!
Enjoy your time with your friends and family. No posts until Monday. BTW, rumor has it that Starlink will be heavily discounted on Black Friday.
The letter talks about the passion of the community and what will happen to the book. They'll be passing the desire for Krystal in Smash along to other departments as well.
The owners deny any link to the intergalactic mercenary group, but we aren't fooled! Investigations continue.
A rhythm-based shooter with lots of tricky flying and shooting, all with beautiful stylistic polygonal graphics, to scratch that Star Fox itch.
A Krystal kigurumi-style cosplay that's been in development slowly since 2015 or so. First appearing at Madrid Games Week in 2018, there might have been another appearance just days ago.
Star Fox 2 sometime soon maybe? Also, Smash DLC fighters will continue for a while longer. Godspeed, Mr. Sakurai!
The only Star Fox I think we might see is a final update on Starlink.
The first time I've seen "trailer" footage of Dinosaur Planet, though this footage is well known to Dinosaur Planet researchers.
Tomorrow, Nintendo will show off their newest developments. Can't wait!