Nintendo will have major Zelda presence at Dec. 1st's The Game Awards. Also, Nintendo Direct for the Switch coming Jan. 12th.
Check out the trailer and details about this ultra portable home console.
Get your Fox on in the latest Monster Hunter release, coming July 15th.
How about that new Zelda?
Join us for lots of E3 livestreams.
Join me and other Krystal/Star Fox fans as we watch the Game Awards 2015 and chat together about it!
Zelda Wii U is delayed until 2016. Could Star Fox still make it this year?
Miyamoto reveals Star Fox Wii U development going well and plans to release the game before Zelda Wii U, currently dated for 2015.
It's pony-time once again, as we head on down to Ponyville for more adventures in Season 4. Here I feature a bunch of ponified Krystal pictures.
Nintendo's E3 presentation featured a lot of new games, including Retro Studio's secret project, but it was not Star Fox. Fox McCloud appears in the new Super Smash Bros.