The 3.5 inch figurine was printed with a resin printer and given to me as a gift. Thanks so much!
UndyingNephalim forces the old engine to do unconventional stuff in his slow journey to the completion of this massive fan game.
Play as Krystal in version 1.2 of the fanmade Smash game for the first time this friday!
In this part, I go over the technical challenge of picking the lighting mechanism and obtaining the raw materials to make the internal shaft structure with the right lighting properties.
Real life takes priority. That's why you're getting a whole week's worth of posts in one day.
10/10 Game of the Year IGN.
Quick overview of Krystal's history and position within the Star Fox series.
Reddit user starmeromeroheart actually went to the secret Star Fox headquarters with his copy of the game.
Two different versions of Krystal face off against Fox's in a show of martial arts skill.
One of the oldest custom Krystal rigs has been made public with the permission of the original creator.