Nintendo’s E3 Games Presentation Tomorrow
In a about 10 hours, Nintendo will be having its keynote presentation at this year's E3. There will be numerous places to watch it live online and even on TV. What's even more amazing is that Nintendo has already gone ahead and done a pre-presentation to show off new features of the Wii U, its gamepad and new controllers, its built-in software and online/social features, and some news about the 3DS. They showed off all of this just so they wouldn't distract from tomorrow's presentation where they will talk exclusively about the new games.
Though I have not been keeping up with the latest leaks and rumors, what I have heard from various news sources is:
- Mario title at launch
- The Star Fox/Metroid crossover game was only proposed, but was not created
- Nintendo to show new Star Fox and F-Zero games
I'm going to be at work at 9AM (Pacific) when Nintendo has their presentation, but I will be able to watch it there. If there is any news about Star Fox and/or Krystal, I will post about it as soon as I can. I'm hoping for an epic Star Fox game in the pedigree of Star Fox 64, but with the newer crew of Fox, Falco, Slippy, and, of course, Krystal.
Volunteer Help and Delays
Thanks to all who volunteered to help. I got more of a response than I was expecting, and I don't yet have tasks ready for those of you who I haven't given a response. I will get some things for you to do, don't worry. It'll most likely be in the form of reviewing fanfictions, fanfilms, and finding new fanart.
However, I'm having some guests in town over the next few days and will probably be unable to update the site or respond to emails until they are gone, so please be patient. And don't forget to count the days to E3, where there will no-doubt be some incredible news!
Krystal Archive Relaunch
Here it is folks! If you're reading this message, you should be seeing the brand new Krystal Archive version 4. Dozens and dozens of features were added along with the overall redesign. In every single aspect of the site, I tried to reduce the total amount of work required to perform each task. The time saved on each thing should result in more frequent updates and the ability to bring on helpers to assist in the upkeep of the site.
The redesign is Beta, however. I currently have no way to test the site on Internet Explorer (volunteers?). The fanart systems are not yet in place, and of course, there is a lot of content to reupload and reformat to the new style (volunteers?). For my first task, I'd like to get the Krystal Archive Podcast back online. After that, I'll be moving into the other pages like images, audio, and video.
If you're interested in helping out, please email me, and we'll work out what you can do.
Awesome Star Fox Videos
Here's a few interesting Star Fox related videos that have appeared on the net recently.
Krystal Archive Version 4 Technology
There's a reason I haven't been posting for the last couple weeks. I've been hard at work on the core technologies for the next version of the Krystal Archive. I've had some remarkable breakthroughs, and I'm almost ready to begin the building process.
I hope by the end of the day, or maybe tomorrow, I can have the basic theme up and running. It's a lot of work, so don't old me to this timeline.
Star Fox Metroid Crossover Retro Rumor
Lots of rumors going around the net, now that E3 is only three weeks away (June 5-7, 2012). Retro Studios has been working on something at least since they helped with the tracks in Mario Kart 7. A rumor from over a year ago claimed that they were working on a project everyone wanted them to do. This drove a lot of speculation. Now, the same site that had that rumor now has another. According to this very detailed rumor, Retro Studios has been working on a game that stars both Samus and Fox McCloud in what is probably the first real story-related crossover by Nintendo and its IPs (not counting Mario & Sonic games, the Smash Bros. Series, and the occasional cameo appearances all over the place).
The details:
- Some high-speed warp causes Fox's Arwing to collide with Samus's Jumpship
- Samus crash lands, loses all her upgrades (seriously, get some super glue, Samus!), and must explore the planet
- Fox remains in space and proceeds to have numerous space-based battles
- Eventually the pair meet up, Fox is controlled third-person style, will be more ninja like in movement style
- Andross is using Metroids on himself and army somehow
- The working title is: "Star Fox – Metroid: Fusion Saga"
Personally, I don't think I'm alone in thinking this sounds like it came straight out of While Metroid and Star Fox are probably the most universe-compatible of Nintendo's series, I don't see it happening. Then again, popular knowledge also said that Mario and Sonic would never be in a game together, and that non-Nintendo characters would never be in a Smash Bros. game. Crazier things have happened. As for Retro Studios and Star Fox, I think it's easily possible and even likely that Retro Studios is working on Star Fox, regardless of this rumor. They've proven themselves with more than one of Nintendo's IPs in the past.
Bit Fox Adventures Microalbum

Tonight, I'm proud to announce the release of Bit Fox Adventures, the Star Fox Adventures Microalbum. It features chiptune and electronic remixes of several Star Fox Adventures songs. It was an idea by Laffe the Fox, who also got several other artists to participate. More info and downloads are on the album page.
Colors! Krystal Drawing
Celestialien86 sent me an email about Colors! 3D, the simple drawing program available on iPad, iPod touch, and the Nintendo 3DS. One of the main features is it lets you record your drawing so you can replay how you made it. And since it's a 3DS application, there are LOTS of Nintendo-related drawings drawn in it. Further, there's a site that allows you to upload your creations and see the art of others. In fact, I searched and found a Krystal drawing by Celestialien86 herself.
Celestialien86's Krystal Drawing
Colors! 3D costs $6.99 in the Nintendo eShop.
Lucas is Gone
I have some bad news, friends. My friend and someone many of you knew has passed away. Lucas succumbed to his brain cancer treatments early last month. There wasn't much left of him after the chemotherapy, but he was able to receive and watch the Krystal DVD gift Foxtype1973 sent him (which I will be posting soon). His brother told me that Lucas really enjoyed it. So, sad news, but I thought you all should know.
For those who don't know, Lucas was a long-time Krystal Archive reader. He has had brain cancer for about three years, and occasionally I would post updates on his conditions in previous podcasts.
Krystal Commissions By TheBurningDonut
I commissioned The Burning Donut for two Krystal fanarts. He has made three! I hope you like them as much as I do. He put them up on his FurAffinity page along with links to the full res versions. Enjoy!