New commissioned animation about Krystal, her soaps, and soap.
In big news today, Adam Conover talked about a canceled Star Fox animation project from College Humor back in 2014.
Still a work in progress, you can see the basic model and the rigging on the eyes and mouth in the video.
Two of my favorite things, together at last. Animator JorgeMV created this crossover of Star Fox 64 and Paper Mario's style.
j-fujita created a sketch, and, with some 3D trickery, created this animation of pure joy.
Two different versions of Krystal face off against Fox's in a show of martial arts skill.
ShattenKitsune666 posted a secret in-progress MMD video. Reposted with her permission.
Krystal is going to whisper to you in this weird video.
Custom modded from the Warfaremachine rig, this is a full song MMD featuring the song [A]ddiction by GigaReol×EVO+.
Krystal has to make it back to the Great Fox by 17:00 hours. With just minutes to spare, she punches it back towards home. Unfortunately, some enemy fighters decide to get in her way.