Real life work situation has sapped my time and energy. Not an excuse, just an explanation.
The Krystal Archive has been online since January 8th, 2006! 17 years will give you such a crick in the neck!
Real life hit me pretty hard. Site updates will probably continue to be sparse for the next couple months.
Site updates shall resume. My advice is this: find ways to use the free-time or changing circumstances of this difficult time to improve yourself and others.
The owners deny any link to the intergalactic mercenary group, but we aren't fooled! Investigations continue.
Halloween and a business trip to California has caused delays. I will not be posting regularly until next week. Enjoy the previous three stories I just posted tonight to make up for last week!
Real life and travel have kept me very busy, sorry for the lack of updates. That's all done for a while, so regular updates should resume soon! Also, I've downloaded all Krystal fanart from DeviantArt. All of it.
Travel, surgery, family, and lots of real life stuff kept me away, until today!
Real life concerns have calmed down. What have you guys been up to?
I disappeared for a while due to real life circumstances. I'm back now, sorry about the disappearance.