She's live right now! Watch her work over the next few days.
Tons of work and details have been added to one of the most detailed fighter mods in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.
Real life hit me pretty hard. Site updates will probably continue to be sparse for the next couple months.
The Star Fox Fandom would never be the same!
A work in progress 3D model of Krystal. It now has basic textures as she continues to work on it.
CBPuppets salutes Krystal across his island's sky.
Krystal is twice Fox's size in this complete redesign of Krystal as a more alien species and multiple "first-contact" interactions with Fox McCloud.
The spin-off game Starlink has humans fighting alongside Star Fox characters, but what if I told you there was a mainline Star Fox game most people don't know referenced humans?
GAWD Wrestling has decided to pit Krystal's wrestling skills against several other video game characters. Video game wrestling videos with custom characters are always good for a laugh or two.
Another arrangement of a Star Fox Adventures classic.