Krystal Left 4 Dead Mod

Goldmember released a Left 4 Dead 2 character replacement mod featuring Krystal. Once installed, Krystal (in her Assault uniform) replaces the character Rochelle.
For those who don't know, Left 4 Dead 2 is a multiplayer zombie adventure-survival game. So, you know, gore and stuff. Fair warning.
Somewhat related: there's also a Wolf mod as well.
Thanks to Dogman15 for the info.
Star Fox: Event Horizon Playable Demo Released

This is important, so I'm sticking it at the top of the homepage for now.
UndyingNephalim announced a playable demo for Star Fox: Event Horizon! It's over 1 GB, containing "15 playable characters, 21 playable craft, 2 Freeform levels, and 7 work in progress Campaign levels".
- Moddb Download
- Krystal Archive Mirror
Out of date download removed. Check the Star Fox: Event Horizon Page for the latest version download.
Featured: Leisure Time by Nimrais
A lovely fanart of Krystal chilling out in her quarters. Now if only we could get a wallpaper sized version. *Hint Hint*
Thanks to Dogman15 for the heads up.
Ayano Cosplay Update
Ayano sent me some photos and a video of her progress on her Star Fox Assault Krystal cosplay. She's finished the gatling gun, a modified Nerf gun with rotating barrels. It doesn't fire anything though. The flight suit is next. She now has the fabric, but has had very little time to work on the project due to some RL issues. She hopes to have the flight suit done by the Fall sometime. The planned premier of the new costume is at Furry Fiesta in Dallas, February 2015.
Star Fox: Event Horizon Fangame
I mentioned this one on the podcast briefly. UndyingNephalim is making an epic Star Fox fangame, continuing the legacy of the now cancelled Star Fox: Shadows of Lylat. The game dev trio is competed with its writer (JediAnnSolo) and music composer (Morphiul). UndyingNephalim has a couple existing games under his belt (Hyrule: Total War, Antibody, a Star Fox RTS), and the initial videos show great promise.
Along with over a dozen playable characters, there are two versions of Krystal in this game, one from her time in the Cornerian army, and the other as a member of Star Fox. Pivotal to the story is Falyf, a mysterious 'other survivor' of Cerinia, Krystal's doomed homeworld. This new blue vixen pilots an unusual Krazoa-like mech.
There's already tons of videos and a website for this project. Check it out!
Official Website
Other Videos
Thanks to Omasaki for the heads up.
Introducing Continuous Krystal-Smash Monitoring
This morning three new Super Smash Bros characters were revealed: Lucina and Robin (male and female versions) from the Fire Emblem series, and our old standby Captain Falcon from the F-Zero series. Sadly, none of these characters are Krystal.
Because characters from Smash games are revealed all the time, and I don't have enough time to cover every reveal, I have created what I believe to be the latest in monitoring technology. A website that will always have the latest information about the status of Krystal in Smash games. Behold!
KAP: Episode 32
More than a year in the making, here it is, the latest episode of the Krystal Archive Podcast, covering the whole year and everything we know about the new Star Fox game Nintendo is developing.
Everfree NW Trip
Mr. K here. I promise I've got some new stuff to post, it's just that things keep getting in the way.
I just moved to Austin Texas, where I intend to stay for some time. With the packing, moving, and unpacking, and all the other stuff involved with changing your address, I've had little time for projects like this site.
Then there's Everfree NW, the Seattle Brony Con, which I will be attending for the third year. It takes place on July 4th-6th, though I'm actually heading for Seattle in a couple hours. I know a couple of you visited last year, and I even met one of you. Come by and say hello if you see me. My badge says 'Mr. K'. Also, I'll be cosplaying, like last year, only as a different character. No spoilers, just a hint: I'll be wearing a red polkadot scarf.
After I get back from Everfree, I think the next major life event I have is in September, so I should be able to really get down to business on the site! Sorry for making you wait so long. Life, you know?
More Smash Characters To Come
New Star Fox Game Brief Discussion
Miyamoto took to video to explain that his three early-development projects, and also told us what we knew from this morning: the Star Fox game is not even ready to be shown. Nevertheless, the video does feature a second or two of footage blocked by the player's head. I'll take what I can get.