My longest running project continues into what will surely be it's most lucky year ever! Did you know that the Krystal Archive is older than the Nintendo Wii, Star Fox Command, and Pluto's downgrade to dwarf planet?
UndyingNephalim and Adam Halpin talk about their first, and worse, fangame project ever, the first fangame to star Krystal (or Kursed) as the protagonist. Plus some details about the project's relationship with the Krystal Archive.
2017 year-in-review, followed by new project announcements. Looking for a couple volunteers.
2017 was a great year for the Krystal Archive and Star Fox fans. Now, as we enter the next year, I expect it to be even better!
Keeping posts to a minimum until the SNES Classic releases. Also looking for a helper.
A quick retrospective on the 10 years we've had since Star Fox Adventures originally released. Remarking on the amazing staying power the game, and Krystal, had on all of us. Also announcing that this will be Star Fox Adventures month, with news and stories about this game.
Announcing the relaunch of the Krystal Archive, version 4 with all its new features. Requesting volunteers to help put the site back together.
Small update on the new Krystal Archive version 4.