Glowing brightly, the staff has interchangeable tips and is about 2 meters long.
Photos of the figure and her imitation of the figure's pose are on Ayano's Twitter. You can purchase your own BambooKat Krystal figure on Etsy.
The newly formed company, AnthroFigurines, is producing this figure for only $99. And he's looking to make more Krystal-related things very soon, so keep an eye out.
Work on the outer surface of the shaft has been going on for 2 weeks! These pieces have been 3D printed and will soon be prepped for resin casting.
You can download and print this amazing model by v747 right now, for free, thanks to Kagekitsoon's generosity.
The 3.5 inch figurine was printed with a resin printer and given to me as a gift. Thanks so much!
A casual Krystal figure from about 15 years ago, rediscovered.
Timelapse of creating a 3D printable negative mask mold.
An epic Fox McCloud statue is coming out Feb. 9th.