ShattenKitsune666 posted a secret in-progress MMD video. Reposted with her permission.
He bought 19 (or more) copies of the game. You can get it yourself for an insane clearance price of $6.
See unused assets and areas, full of glitches and other weirdness.
A video showing a different method of creating both the Adventures and Assault versions of Krystal, or at least as close as the character creator can manage.
Krystal is now playable throughout most of the game, with some glitches still remaining. Amazing progress!
Some footage I forgot in Monday's post. Also, what happens if you replace Tricky with a full-grown CloudRunner. Hint: chaos.
Custom modded from the Warfaremachine rig, this is a full song MMD featuring the song [A]ddiction by GigaReol×EVO+.
Krystal has to make it back to the Great Fox by 17:00 hours. With just minutes to spare, she punches it back towards home. Unfortunately, some enemy fighters decide to get in her way.
One of the most uniquely animated Krystal custom characters in any game was released last year. And somehow I missed that. Making up for it now!
High speed mech/aircraft combat with full freedom of movement in giant floating stages full of obstacles and enemies.