Two More Ayano Videos
As promised, her's two other videos of Ayano cosplaying as Krystal from Further Confusion 2011. The first video is someone handing her their Subway sandwich, a la the "Krystal can't enjoy her sandwich" meme. The second one is about a small wardrobe malfunction she experienced. The little clips on the sides of her loincloth have a tendency to fall off (one fell off this year too).
Downloads of the full version are available too!
Ayano Krystal Cosplay 2011
This is the sister video to the Friends Forever video posted back in February 2011. It's over 20 minutes of footage of Ayano cosplaying as Krystal at Further Confusion 2011. She walks the halls, interacts with con goers, sees the sights, walks in the fursuit parade, and visits the dealer's den. There are lots of interesting moments spread throughout the video.
I'm spectacularly late with this video! FoxType1973 sent me a DVD of his recordings more than a year ago. I really have no excuse for taking this long before finally uploading it. I figured I should post this before the video from 2013 is ready. ;)
There are two more videos from the 2011 Further Confusion already uploaded and ready for posting, but I'm going to spread them out for a few days. Look forward to them!
Here's the original video for download.
FATpawedcast Episode #9 Video
With Silfur Nakamura's permission, I've enhanced the podcast audio with video and images from the con, as well as a little textual commentary from me. That means a bunch of photos and video of Ayano as Krystal, a preview of what's to come. You'll love it!
Silfur Nakamura’s FATPawedCast #9
Silfur Nakamura responded to my call for others going to Further Confusion. We met up and had a great time visiting. He helped with video taping Ayano and taking photos. He's also a fursuiter (a red Fox-Rabbit hybrid).
Turns out he has his own podcast, the FATPawedCast (Furry. Anime. Technology.) and he interviewed me for his latest episode. We talked all about our experiences at the con, taking photos with Ayano, interesting events, and the site. There are also tons of puns. We had a great time.
Listen to FATPawedCast #9 Here
I'm going to see if he'll let me turn the podcast into a video with photos and maybe footage from the con.
Photos from Further Confusion
Further Confusion has been great fun so far. I've gotten to meet and interact with lots of cool people and have some very interesting stories for the next podcast. Foxtype and I have managed to get tons of photos and videos of Ayano as Krystal, and quite a few other things. I thought I'd share a couple photos I took with my not so great phone camera. First, we managed to find a Fox McCloud cosplayer (F.J. McCloud), and had him stand with Krystal. We managed to get them to do something much cooler than that, but that secret will have to wait until we've had a chance to prepare it. The other photos are for a blue fox dude who was wearing a Star Fox Super Weekend competition jacket. His name is Malako.
Last Call for Further Confusion
I'm heading out to Further Confusion, the San Jose Furry Con, in just a few days. I'll be arriving Friday morning and staying all weekend. I recently found out that Ayano will be there (pretty sure dressed as Krystal). I'm excited to finally meet Ayano in the fur, as it were.
Anyway, if any interested readers of the site will be there, be sure to email me so we can have a chance to meet and talk about Krystal, the site, and whatever you want!
GreyFireFox Krystal Rig 1.5 Lighting Test
GreyFireFox is almost ready to release his next and final iteration of his Krystal rig. The Krystal Archive will host it when he sends it (probably in the next couple days). In the meantime, he sent me a high resolution video showing off the new rig in various lighting environments.
Krystal Archive is 7 Years Old
The Krystal Archive has been online seven years today! It's been a wild ride, and we're just getting started. Happy Anniversary!
Welcome to 2013
A new year is upon us, Krystal fans. I don't know about you folks, but 2012 was not that great a year for me. We had a massive hack destroy the site in March, creating a huge mess for me to clean up. We DIDN'T get one mention of Star Fox developments of any kind in 2012. Other problems, personal and related to the site, hit me too. To top it all off, I've been more or less away from the site all holiday because I got a cold on Christmas Eve and was completely out of it for days.
But, it's a new year. Time to start anew! The site is being slowly, but surely, reconstructed. We have many reasons to believe that Retro Studio's secret project is Star Fox. Both it and the next version of Super Smash Bros. should be revealed at this year's E3 in June. I expect to release a lot of cool Krystal stuff this year: the Estelle Ellis interview, all the Dinosaur Planet info, and if we're lucky, HD versions of all the cutscenes from Adventures and Assault. So, let us step boldly into the new year and make it better than the last!
Star Fox Cinematic Posted
That Star Fox 3D animation I mentioned in passing a few days ago has been posted. The work of Joe Morriss and several others, the film depicts a dogfight and chase sequence between Fox, Falco, Peppy, and some unknown enemy.
Thanks to Glitcher for the info.