During my unfortunate hiatus, Gagnetar and Estelle Ellis were hard at work on the Half Life 2 Krystal Mod V3. Here's a couple videos I hadn't yet posted.
Playing catchup with the tons of footage UndyingNephalim released. Also, Event Horizon now has its own Patreon account with lots of exclusives relating to Krystal.
Star Fox Adventures, but with a much deeper story, tag-team Fox and Krystal gameplay, and Unreal Engine.
The voice of Krystal in Star Fox Adventures, Estelle Ellis, will be talking with UndyingNephalim of #StarFoxEventHorizon fame. Should be fun! Sud'k nuak!
Another fan game role for the original Krystal voice actress is being developed now.
Krystal replaces Curly Brace and Fox replaces Quote in the Curly Brace game mode. There will be remixes of the music to include Star Fox influence.
Never had so much immediate attention from the gaming community. This post should clear up some assumptions and questions people have.
Check out the two latest videos from UndyingNephalim's fangame, including Fox and Krystal working together in an experimental hoverbike level.
Esphirian showed off a more polished and cinematic trailer for his open-world Star Fox Adventures remake fangame. TONS of stuff here.
In the last few months, UndyingNephalim's fangame has been getting menu and UI polish.