SNES lo-fi instrument recreation of this Star Fox Adventures tune.
A synthwave mashup of the SNES Star Fox Corneria Theme and Star Fox 64 sound effects.
DeviantArt is the closest thing we have to an image archive from that time. I found the oldest Krystal-related image, and the oldest Krystal fanart on DeviantArt.
High speed mech/aircraft combat with full freedom of movement in giant floating stages full of obstacles and enemies.
Time for some Star Fox anime by Seiyo (amitie623)! It's a hand-drawn shot-for-shot recreation with Star Fox characters.
Mabel Shen shows off his stylistic re-imagining of a much higher quality version of the Star Fox Adventures location.
An exploration of a relatively unique level design from the original Star Fox.
16 different Star Fox Adventures location models, and a bunch of Krystal textures, models, and sound effects I hadn't yet posted.
With perfect execution that a TAS provides, this run saves over 14 minutes off the world record by a human player.
A rhythm-based shooter with lots of tricky flying and shooting, all with beautiful stylistic polygonal graphics, to scratch that Star Fox itch.