VGSymphony Cover of Thorntail Hollow at Night #StarFoxAdventures20th
In celebration for the 20th Anniversary of Star Fox Adventures, VGSymphony released this calming rendition of Thorntail Hollow (Night) with a nice animated picture to go with it.
HuutisStudio 3 Day Star Fox Adventures Livestream #StarFoxAdventures20th
HuutisStudio and his friends are long time Star Fox fans and readers of the site. They played a lot of Star Fox Assault multiplayer together, and some of them share birthday months with Star Fox Adventures. They will be doing a 3 Day Stream of Star Fox in celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Star Fox Adventures, starting the 22nd, just a few hours from now. They might also do some other Star Fox game stuff on stream. The commentary and players will be speaking in English, but they may break into their native Finnish from time to time. Star Fox fans from all over the world!
The stream begins on September 22nd at 10:30AM Eastern (7:30AM Pacific). Go say hi in chat!
Past Alyx Mod Updates
(Language Warning)
These are a little old, but I wanted to mention them since I hadn't already. First up, the above video is the August update from Gagnetar about the Half Life 2 Alyx Krystal Mod V3. According to the video, he had all of Alyx's lines replaced by Estelle Ellis already, but there was still much to be done, including testing of the mod looking for mistakes and oversights. In the video, Gagnetar talks about still wanting to have the mod ready to go for the 20th anniversary of Star Fox Adventures (which would be the 23rd), so we'll see if they make it.
Secondly, Estelle Ellis posted this video on her Twitter account a couple weeks earlier, in July. It shows another sequence from the mod where Krystal talks to Gordon a lot. As always, the voice acting is a treat.
You probably noticed the distinct lack of updates during the depths of the summer. Lots of real life stuff going on, making updates pile up. I regret missing a lot of these, but I'm determined to make up for it. I've still got a ton of stuff to post, this included. So for a while, there might be more than one post a day, with some of the updates for slightly older stuff. I'm nothing if not a completionist. I ask for your continued patience as I try to make the site live up to its name of being the Krystal Archive.
Super Smash Flash 2 Gave Krystal a New Idle Animation
The devs posted this video on Twitter. Krystal does a cute little hair flip now. To be honest with you, I don't remember what her idle animation used to be. Can someone tell me in the comments? I remember her taunt is to spin around her staff and say "Try me!"
RicardoTheFox’s Rare Star Fox Collection #StarFoxAdventures20th

RicardoTheFox has a tremendous Star Fox collection. Not necessarily in terms of size, but in quality. He has several extremely rare items, some of which even I hadn't heard of. Among the amazing items in his collection, we have:
- First4Figures Arwing
- Star Fox Store Display Statue
- Star Fox Super Weekend Flight Jacket
- Star Fox Game Watch
- World of Nintendo Star Fox Plushies
- Star Fox Hat (never seen that one)
- What appears to be some Star Fox themed kids-meal toys (never knew about those)
- And a bunch more! Lots of stuff I have in my collection too.
Here the right side of the collection. Got some promotional bonuses over here, and the Star Fox Watch game. Plus, there are several fan-created things, like two Krystal acrylic things.
There were other things not visible in the main collection, including this poster and his First4Figures Arwing. And also, here's RicardoTheFox standing next to the Fox Statue.
You can see the rest of his photos on this Reddit thread. Nice collection! Well done, my friend.
General Scales Mod in Kingdom Hearts III
Now this. THIS is what I love to see in the modding community! Wrenchy247 has been working on some mods for Kingdom Hearts 3. In this work in progress video, the boss character Xemnas is replaced by General Scales. He's also using his other mod, Replacing the Elemental Encoder Keyblade with Krystal's Staff. So you get Sora, fighting with Krystal's Staff, against a very competent and powerful General Scales. They both fly around everywhere, trading blows. The voice acting Xemnas is also pretty close to General Scales.
This is epic! Can you imagine a battle between Fox or Krystal and General Scales with mechanics like this? Perhaps if Wrenchy247 does a Sora replacement mod we will get to see it.
The mod is still a WIP, but you can use the Krystal Staff Mod right now.
My Star Fox Collection Tour #StarFoxAdventures20th
I finally got around to it. After years of putting it off, here's my entire Star Fox collection. Every single thing I own that's Star Fox related (I think). I've put together a video where I go over each item, what it means, and where it came from.
We've got Nintendo Power entries, comics, games, shirts, fanart, promotional items, calendars, cards, toys, statues, figurines, 3D prints, and stuff from voice actresses. Check it out and tell me what your favorite thing is.
And please take the time to show me your own collection too!
Nintendo Direct on Tuesday!
We didn't get a full-fledged E3 Nintendo Direct, just a few game-specific ones and some partner showcases. Fine, but not the exciting kind. Tomorrow, that changes. Nintendo announced today that there would be a Nintendo Direct tomorrow, in just a few hours. You can catch the livestream on September 13th at 10AM Eastern (7AM Pacific).
The focus will be Nintendo games launching this Winter, which probably covers the entire holiday season and possibly into 2023. I don't even dare speculate about what we might see, but I'm excited regardless.
Star Fox Event Horizon Megapost + Estelle Ellis Video
I didn't get a chance to make a proper post about this before, but UndyingNephalim and Estelle Ellis have gotten together to make a brand new trailer and explanation video for the fangame project Star Fox Event Horizon. It's fully animated with the game models! Estelle narrates as Krystal and mentions that a new Patreon account is now available for the project. There are lots options available with various perks, the highest of which is a private Discord server where Estelle and UndyingNephalim hang out.
This new account officially splits off from UndyingNephalim's previous Patreon account for his other games. With recent interest and now Estelle on board, Star Fox Event Horizon is coming back in a big way after a long time of slow progress. Perhaps we will see the fabled 1.0 release of the fangame after all these years!
UndyingNephalim keeps putting out videos really fast! I haven't seen a lot of these myself. So if you haven't see these already, check them out. Lots of different styles of gameplay here.
- Fortuna Landmaster Gameplay
- Krystal and Fox Jetbike Gameplay on Sauria
- Oil Rig Battles on Zoness
- Landmaster Gameplay Attacking the Forever Train on Macbeth
- Using the Blue Marine in the Underwater Aquas Level
- Arwing Battle in the Skies of Katina
- Classic Star Wolf Battle Over Fichina
- Space Combat in Meteo
- Game Intro Narration
- Boss Animations Test Video 1
- Boss Animations Test Video 2
- Boss Animations Test Video 3
- Landmaster Test Footage
Fox McCloud Cosplay by Jacob #StarFoxAdventures20th

Jacob got in contact with me over email to show off his human-with-tail-and-ears style Fox McCloud cosplay, which he has worn at MEGACON Orlando and done a few photoshoots with. Check out that epic Krystal staff too! He tells me it has LEDs to light up the top and bottom, while the middle shaft's blue areas glow in the dark. The armor is EVA foam. Thanks for your submission, Jacob!
He sent a bunch of photos, but I couldn't include all of them.
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