Some funky stuff is going on with their website. Star Fox remains there, but hidden.
With the flu. I'll resume posting when I can.
At least one post per day is the goal this year. New podcast episode will be recorded soon (first one in 5 years)! Send in your questions and comments.
Real life takes priority. That's why you're getting a whole week's worth of posts in one day.
Real life and travel have kept me very busy, sorry for the lack of updates. That's all done for a while, so regular updates should resume soon! Also, I've downloaded all Krystal fanart from DeviantArt. All of it.
UndyingNephalim is seeking opinions about how he should continue development on his Star Fox projects. Let your voice be heard.
A great sorrow falls over the land. The legendary forum for Krystal fans that ran for over 15 years, is closing its doors in a week.
Timelapse of creating a 3D printable negative mask mold.
Dinosaur Planet, maybe? OK, probably not.
Construction and collaborations coming soon.