A neat little attempt to recreate the in-game model with poly counts appropriate for the time.
Quick overview of Krystal's history and position within the Star Fox series.
Two different versions of Krystal face off against Fox's in a show of martial arts skill.
See unused assets and areas, full of glitches and other weirdness.
Custom modded from the Warfaremachine rig, this is a full song MMD featuring the song [A]ddiction by GigaReol×EVO+.
There are now at least three people working on getting Krystal playable in Star Fox Adventures. See some of their progress so far. Also, one of them might have found part of the old Dinosaur Planet demo code.
Check out this amazingly well-done documentary on the making of the original Star Fox for SNES.
A long-lost artifact I only recently discovered provides additional confirmation of Krystal's backstory.
The animation and camera data for a Dinosaur Planet cutscene can be accessed in Star Fox Adventures! Video by BvqR zxi5.
The first time I've seen "trailer" footage of Dinosaur Planet, though this footage is well known to Dinosaur Planet researchers.