Nickisdoge commissioned this high quality Krystal Puppet to add to his collection. He hopes to use her in some projects soon.
Daniel B. has recreated the original painting in very high detail using 3D Studio Max. Nice work!
Photographer Niinkos took photos of Krystal exploring the beautiful countryside. Also, more photos from previous shoots.
Krystal replaces Curly Brace and Fox replaces Quote in the Curly Brace game mode. There will be remixes of the music to include Star Fox influence.
The original voice actress of Krystal will reprise her role in this fan mod by Gagnetar that is in development.
Premiering at DerpyCon in New Jersey on Halloween weekend, this may be the first of its kind. Check out tons of WIP details in the post!
Still a work in progress, you can see the basic model and the rigging on the eyes and mouth in the video.
Work on the outer surface of the shaft has been going on for 2 weeks! These pieces have been 3D printed and will soon be prepped for resin casting.
Rapid progress is being made on the head, now with ears, hair, and irises. The project may be finished in as little as a month!
3D prints are done which show the full size of the staff as a mockup. I've ordered and received some extraordinarily small LEDs to use as the shaft's inner light source.